Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for graykabes (1693 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
56821 Silent Game Classic1898Fog Survived 0 1000
56935 32r2dfe Classic Drawn 73 1073
56958 1939-5 Europe1939 Survived 0 1073
57096 please convoy me ClassicBritain Drawn 59 1132
57079 GUNBOAT GUNBOAT GUNBOAT Classic Defeated -26 1106
57299 Fog of Gunboat ClassicFog Defeated -9 1097
57275 Foggy Gunboat -2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -33 1064
57271 1898Fog-2 Classic1898Fog Drawn 64 1128
57399 Fog -2 ClassicFog Defeated -7 1121
57250 Youngstown-redux YoungstownRedux Drawn 47 1168
57251 ClassisCataclysm ClassicCataclysm Drawn 52 1220
57314 Legends of tutoria Classic Drawn 45 1265
57495 Sneaky Snakes ClassicFog Defeated -14 1251
57519 1898 Classic Fog Classic1898Fog Drawn 50 1301
57279 Shoot first never ask questions ClassicBrazilian Drawn 15 1316
57664 ww1 1/2 ClassicFog Drawn 3 1319
57569 poopy-3 Edwardian3 Drawn 57 1376
57828 A very honest game Classic Drawn 31 1407
57639 No secrets in Europe Classic Defeated -49 1358
57721 Classic gаme Classic Survived 0 1358
57660 Aberrant Gunboat AberrationV Defeated -15 1343
57847 Fogie gunboat ClassicFog Survived -16 1327
57895 No Talk-2 ClassicEgypt Survived -10 1317
57851 wwiii-4 Europe1939 Drawn 75 1392
57890 Das Gunboat-39 WWII Survived -18 1374
57657 HO! HO! HO! 2 AberrationV Drawn 33 1407
57960 In Bloom-2 Classic1897 Defeated -22 1385
58025 Florence Gunboat-2 ClassicFlorence Defeated -38 1347
57874 1898 Fog of War-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -24 1323
57911 1898 Fog of War-3 Classic1898Fog Defeated -27 1296
57881 Modern Diplomacy-6 Modern2 Drawn 80 1376
57754 333-2 Edwardian3 Drawn 47 1423
57935 1880 Classic-2 Classic1880 Drawn 15 1438
57884 Plss join w WWII -23 1415
58027 Britain is stuck! ClassicBritain Drawn 25 1440
58068 Polly ClassicFog Survived -11 1429
57912 Youngstown Redux No Talk YoungstownRedux Survived -51 1378
58026 Ho! HO! HO! 3 AberrationV Drawn 28 1406
58075 ClassicGunboat Classic Survived 0 1406
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Defeated 0 1406
57737 Sender Unknown ClassicGreyPress Drawn 39 1445
58034 The most peaceful continent Classic Drawn 40 1485
57860 Pls join WWII -24 1461
58086 Aberrant Gunboat II AberrationV -38 1423
59743 The Six Sapateers Classic Drawn 25 1448
59750 Gunboat - traditional-3 ClassicBrazilian Drawn 17 1465
59812 ClassicGunboat-2 Classic Won 177 1642
59816 Speed Europa Gunboat SpeedEuropa Drawn 22 1664
59805 Absolute Tomfoolery Classic Drawn 26 1690
59634 Cוassic game Classic Survived 0 1690
59908 Cataclysmic Gunboat ClassicCataclysm Survived -56 1634
59977 ClassicGunboat-3 Classic Won 129 1763
60015 Gunboat1900 Baron1900 Drawn 27 1790
60010 Classic-Gunboat-900 Classic Drawn 15 1805
59859 220 Classic Defeated -45 1760
59768 Why are there so few classic games? Classic Drawn 27 1787
60078 ClassicGunboat-5 Classic Survived -51 1736
59976 Classic7Islands ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 14 1750
60007 Where's Waldo? ClassicFog Defeated -40 1710
60005 classic gunboat-42 Classic Defeated -44 1666
59591 Slower Standard Classic Defeated 0 1666
60047 ClassicGunboat-4 Classic Won 162 1828
60032 FoggyGunboat Classic1898Fog Won 125 1953
59932 GunboatAnkaraCrescent ClassicAnkaraCrescent Defeated -43 1910
59924 Successful Napoleon? ClassicFog Drawn 12 1922
59863 ShroudedinDarkness Classic1898Fog Drawn 42 1964
60196 FoggyGunboat-4 Classic1898Fog Drawn 26 1990
60123 ClassicGunboat-6 Classic Drawn 11 2001
60142 Austria is Good??? Baron1900 Survived -42 1959
60130 ClassicGunboat-7 Classic Survived -53 1906
60097 1900 for fun Baron1900 Drawn 5 1911
60237 FoggyGunboat -3 Classic1898Fog Defeated -59 1852
60183 ClassicGunboat-9 Classic Survived -56 1796
60016 Playing through all the variants #16: American Con AmericanConflict Survived 0 1796
59660 He who controls the spice...-2 SpiceIslands Survived 0 1796
60252 ClassicGunboat-10 Classic Drawn 26 1822
60172 BritishGunboat ClassicBritain Drawn 15 1837
60031 Unorthodox Opening Classic Drawn 10 1847
60254 Austrian Succession gunboat - ready orders plz AustrianSuccession Survived -57 1790
59992 GunboatEurope1939 Europe1939 -44 1746
60106 1600-2 Europe1600 Drawn 22 1768
60253 FoggyGunboat-3 Classic1898Fog Survived -36 1732
60256 Humanoid Swarm of Mosquitoes FantasyWorld Defeated 0 1732
60355 HOT SUMMER Classic Defeated -45 1687
60450 gamato Classic Drawn 26 1713
60191 Our cute cutthroat YoungstownRedux Drawn 35 1748
60507 Fog of war-31 Classic1898Fog Drawn 7 1755
60409 ClassicGunboat-12 Classic Survived -4 1751
60300 A clasic game Classic Won 77 1828
60135 FoggyGunboat-2 ClassicFog Survived -49 1779
60397 ClassicGunboat-11 Classic Drawn 33 1812
60492 FoggyGunboat-7 Classic1898Fog Survived -53 1759
60358 IvEvR-2 ClassicIER Drawn 2 1761
60113 AbberationVGunboat AberrationV Drawn 47 1808
60521 1898-2 Classic1898 Drawn 20 1828
60505 Classics, but improved ClassicFlorence Won 71 1899
60388 FoggyGunboat-5 Classic1898Fog Won 63 1962
60168 GunboatYoungstownRedux YoungstownRedux Won 203 2165
60566 FoggyGunboat-8 Classic1898 Defeated -50 2115
60493 Gunboat1900-2 Baron1900 Defeated -54 2061
60598 Foghat ClassicFog Survived -62 1999
60655 Greek-4 GreekDip Defeated 0 1999
60716 1900gunboat Baron1900 Won 94 2093
60365 Jihad Sultans II FirstCrusade Survived -39 2054
60596 Classic Gunbboat Classic Survived -46 2008
60592 King Richard-2 DarkAges Defeated 0 2008
59549 Reality is a dangerous game to play Modern2 Drawn 25 2033
60765 The Mist-2 ClassicFog Survived -60 1973
60568 AbberationVGunboat-2 AberrationV Defeated -55 1918
60737 Blind mice ClassicFog Survived -52 1866
60408 FoggyGunboat-6 Classic Defeated -32 1834
60757 Winter is coming Classic Drawn 12 1846
60136 ClassicGunboat-8 Classic Defeated -58 1788
60659 Classic Fog of War-3 ClassicFog Drawn 30 1818
60532 World in year 901 gunboat KnownWorld_901 Drawn 62 1880
60594 Sesterianus AncMed Survived 0 1880
60833 Classic Gunboat-43 Classic Defeated -33 1847
60814 Classic-24 Classic Drawn 27 1874
60648 buki Classic Drawn 18 1892
60781 Join now :] Classic1913 Won 43 1935
60970 Just for Fun-15 Classic Won 38 1973
60882 Gunbots Classic -59 1914
60887 Rookie Gunboat-2 Classic Drawn 4 1918
60920 Glasnost-2 Modern2 -44 1874
61257 1898 Fog of gunboat Classic1898Fog Defeated -45 1829
61131 Classic Game-8 Classic -29 1800
59840 Europa Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1800
61229 Bananaskin-2 Classic -52 1748
60763 Balthazar-2 KnownWorld_901 -53 1695
60839 Abstraction III-3 Abstraction3 -2 1693