Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for The Ambassador (2313 D (B)):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
37 Australia Gunboat MateAgainstMate Defeated -30 970
43 War! (war declaration match) ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 14 984
7 60 buy in big game CustomStart Won 184 1168
41 Modern Madness Modern2 Drawn 53 1221
951 Gunboat 1066 TenSixtySix Survived -6 1215
935 1066-2 TenSixtySix Won 25 1240
323 Haven-This map is Insane but awesome Haven Drawn 123 1363
923 Deep Satisfaction TenSixtySix Survived -19 1344
171 Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! Modern2 Drawn 49 1393
332 Realms of Conquest Haven Drawn 30 1423
990 Race for the White House WhoControlsAmerica Drawn 18 1441
1485 This Land of Kings TenSixtySix Defeated -24 1417
1286 There can be only one Mate! MateAgainstMate Drawn 15 1432
1437 Greek Diplomacy-2 GreekDip Defeated -45 1387
1721 Royal Dominions TenSixtySix Survived -6 1381
1794 1066 test gunboat TenSixtySix Survived -27 1354
648 First Masssive World IV Game (dedicated to Oli) WWIV Drawn 43 1397
1736 Dammit Serbia! Classic Drawn 25 1422
1868 Drug Lords on Speed Karibik Won 73 1495
2770 Live!-2 TenSixtySix Won 28 1523
2775 fast two ClassicFGvsRT Survived -10 1513
2714 cattle cars and silk worm ClassicEconomic Survived -13 1500
2781 Hastings Revisited (Gunboat) TenSixtySix Won 20 1520
2802 Balkans Experiment BalkanWarsVI Drawn 0 1520
2786 Prepare your guns MateAgainstMate Won 80 1600
2778 The Best of the Best BuildAnywhere Drawn 16 1616
2829 Fog of War v.2 ClassicFog Survived -35 1581
3709 What's that funny looking star about? TenSixtySix Won 14 1595
3574 Fool's Gold ClassicGreyPress Drawn 4 1599
3699 WW4 Team Game! WWIV Drawn 6 1605
4463 11th Century Hardcore Gunboat TenSixtySix Survived -22 1583
4217 First War of 2020 War2020 Survived -47 1536
3969 USA map first game USofA Drawn 4 1540
4207 hello MateAgainstMate Drawn 28 1568
2997 El gameo ClassicEconomic Survived -17 1551
3967 USA Diplomacy USofA Survived 22 1573
4725 Holland-2 DutchRevolt Drawn 2 1575
4958 1066 gunboat-2 TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1575
4584 Fear on the bridge Viking Defeated -41 1534
5086 Team Game: Primary Colors WhoControlsAmerica Drawn 60 1594
4916 That's amore Rinascimento Won 0 1594
5956 (Faster) America for Americans! AmericanConflict Survived -43 1551
5490 The Bauhaus Abstraction3 Won 48 1599
5948 American Conflict of 1862 AmericanConflict Won 24 1623
5947 American Conflict Gunboat-2 AmericanConflict Defeated -32 1591
6157 WW2 Reboot (Team Game) Zeus5 Drawn 3 1594
7063 Sid Meier Pirates! Pirates Drawn 0 1594
6801 Rebel Yell AmericanConflict Survived -7 1587
6345 Extreme personalities (entertainment value only!) KnownWorld_901 Drawn 9 1596
7498 Lincoln's nightmare AmericanConflict Won 29 1625
7062 Pirates Ahoy! Pirates Drawn 20 1645
2855 European Theater Modern2 Drawn 21 1666
5502 Known battle KnownWorld_901 Survived -41 1625
5649 Whittle Down Tournament game 1 WWIV Drawn 12 1637
7684 I see a ship in the harbor TenSixtySix Survived -10 1627
7065 A Pirate's Life For Me Pirates Defeated -47 1580
7682 I come from a land Down Under MateAgainstMate Defeated -43 1537
8094 Whittle Down Tournament 2012 Haven Game Haven Defeated -50 1487
9062 Blood and steel TenSixtySix Defeated -24 1463
8932 Jolly Roger Clemens Pirates Drawn 75 1538
9246 thekillergame YoungstownRedux Survived 29 1567
9745 Extreme Personalities( Entertainment Only) YoungstownRedux Drawn 2 1569
9438 Whittle Down Round 3 Second Chance Modern2 Drawn 23 1592
10462 Whittle-down: Crowded! (5 of 11 advance) ClassicCrowded Drawn 7 1599
11365 Whittle Down Imperium game (2 of 6 advance) Imperium Defeated -37 1562
11132 First Enlightenment & Succession Enlightenment Defeated -51 1511
9186 Boursed 901 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 49 1560
13032 Wilson Rules WWII WWII Drawn 21 1581
12711 Second Imperial Wars Imperial2 Resigned -38 1543
13422 Fast World War IV WWIV Drawn 63 1606
15195 Dark Ages Quick Ready Please DarkAges Defeated -36 1570
14022 Imperiale YoungstownWWII Drawn 17 1587
14558 Grover Cleveland's non-consecutive terms Colonial1885 Drawn 63 1650
13609 Cheap Italian Food Rinascimento Defeated 0 1650
15597 Crown me on Christmas Day TenSixtySix_V3 Won 10 1660
14832 -our empires- Imperial2 Drawn 51 1711
15097 My colony... mine!! Colonial1885 Won 84 1795
15663 Layered GB ClassicLayered Defeated -25 1770
15925 The Amazing Team Tournament: R1 Rinascimento B Rinascimento Drawn 0 1770
15569 My Empire's Bigger Than Yours! Imperial2 Won 65 1835
16570 Brothers at Arms AmericanConflict Survived -43 1792
16761 Who farted? Imperial2 Survived 26 1818
17924 Gobble Gunboat GobbleEarth Survived -2 1816
19056 blood and vengeance Viking Won 13 1829
18770 Winners Bracket Fantasy (ATT) FantasyWorld Defeated -51 1778
19509 This isn't Westoros! TenSixtySix_V3 Won 4 1782
18468 The Bitter End ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 6 1788
19663 Give me more Atlantic Colonies AtlanticColonies Won 9 1797
19520 The Army of Northern Virginia AmericanConflict Survived -8 1789
19492 gobble gobble yum yum GobbleEarth Won 0 1789
19668 Atlantic Colonies-2 AtlanticColonies Drawn 4 1793
19465 Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Pirates -106 1687
16661 A New Era WWIV_V6 Defeated -41 1646
15993 Autumn & Empire WWIV Defeated -26 1620
21158 Throne of Winchester TenSixtySix_V3 Won 9 1629
21326 Sailing the Med AncMed Won 33 1662
21571 Christmas Coronation TenSixtySix_V3 Won 10 1672
21443 High Seas Hijinks Pirates Drawn 25 1697
21781 CW 1 ColdWar Drawn 0 1697
21782 CW 2 ColdWar Drawn 0 1697
21668 Ye Olde Atlantic Gunboat AtlanticColonies Won 52 1749
21519 1860's American Gunboat AmericanConflict Won 26 1775
22286 American Conflict-4 AmericanConflict Won 29 1804
22224 Modern Diplomacy-4 Modern2 Drawn 11 1815
22287 Mate MateAgainstMate Defeated -44 1771
22699 Low pressure system moving in ClassicFog Defeated -50 1721
21963 Guns, Germs, and Steel 2 Imperial2 Drawn 20 1741
22551 Extreme Personalities 2015 edition KnownWorld_901 Drawn 0 1741
22987 The language of the country immediately after the Classic Defeated -19 1722
22970 Rule the Waves-2 Imperial2 Drawn 18 1740
23604 British Game of Thrones TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -29 1711
23440 Old Tom ClassicFog Survived -46 1665
23105 The Exploration Game ClassicFog Survived -30 1635
23364 Are you ready? MateAgainstMate Drawn 24 1659
23695 Ye Olde Best vDip Map Ever AtlanticColonies Survived -30 1629
20562 A Legacy of Amphibious Arteries WWIVsealanes Defeated -25 1604
23342 Guns of the South AmericanConflict Survived -35 1569
23843 Twas Foggy ClassicFog Survived -46 1523
21235 Gunboat - Sealanes WWIVsealanes Defeated -40 1483
24200 mynamejeff ClassicFog Drawn 14 1497
24273 By Jingo! ClassicGreyPress Drawn 0 1497
24224 Youngstown World War II-4 YoungstownWWII Drawn 39 1536
24523 Confederate Mexican French Fries AmericanConflict Drawn 1 1537
24859 boxing day TenSixtySix_V3 -12 1525
24796 SRG: GODMODE Modern2 Drawn 0 1525
24848 Midas Touch ClassicFog -24 1501
24962 1600 Rumble Europe1600 Survived 9 1510
23990 Vae victis ! KnownWorld_901 Drawn 62 1572
25084 Australia Day Jan 26-2 MateAgainstMate Drawn 9 1581
26176 Underworld TenSixtySix_V3 Won 21 1602
26694 Cubs battle Europe1939 Won 38 1640
26557 French Kissing in the USA AmericanConflict Survived -7 1633
27031 Daimyo Madness Sengoku5 Won 118 1751
27688 Juego en español SouthAmerica5 Drawn 12 1763
28037 Drop it like its hot TenSixtySix_V3 Won 5 1768
24898 Imperial Diplomacy-2 Imperial2 Survived -3 1765
27960 8 November 2016 WhoControlsAmerica Defeated -43 1722
28661 It's Mine All Mine ColdWar Won 3 1725
28601 The Exploration Game IV ClassicFog Defeated -38 1687
27829 KW 15x15 Game 1 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1687
27888 KW 15x15 Game 2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1687
28316 2017 The Trump Wars AmericanConflict Defeated -42 1645
29626 Kaner v Amby - Cold War ColdWar Won 0 1645
29627 Kaner v Amby - Duo Duo Won 0 1645
30136 Silence in the fog... TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -28 1617
29523 Kingdom of Heaven-2 FirstCrusade Survived -24 1593
30277 Easy Rider 2 Colonial Survived 19 1612
29579 Pasta, Pizza, and Popes! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1612
30324 GGBattle GreatLakes Drawn 19 1631
29219 KW 15x15 Game 4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1631
30475 Hitler jokes in 3...2...1... WWII Drawn 12 1643
29217 KW 15x15 Game 3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1643
29390 1885 Colonial1885 -11 1632
31572 Ground control to Major Tom Mars Defeated -36 1596
32290 NEW BALKANS 1860 Balkans1860 Drawn 13 1609
32585 Napoleonic communication skills Napoleonic Drawn 25 1634
33093 Welcome back Tadar TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -23 1611
32007 1885 WTABoat Colonial1885 Drawn 28 1639
32756 Pirate's Life Pirates Drawn 13 1652
33508 Pesky Protestant dutchies DutchRevolt Won 17 1669
33780 United States of Insanity Divided_States Drawn 0 1669
33380 Napoleonic Dynamite Napoleonic Defeated -44 1625
34172 Bourse 2018 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 1 1626
35045 Kings with pointy facial hair Edwardian Drawn 7 1633
31823 Furnace of Affliction WWIV_V6 Defeated -45 1588
35459 No games AtlanticColonies Won 46 1634
35043 Colonial-7 Colonial Defeated -22 1612
35555 Old Med PunicWars Defeated -24 1588
35542 foggy 81 ClassicFog Defeated -31 1557
35065 Remove Kebab Crusades1201 Survived -23 1534
35960 Want a 3 player game? Hundred Won 26 1560
36051 Ver-dunny TreatyOfVerdun Won 21 1581
35924 Atlantic Colonies-9 AtlanticColonies Won 59 1640
36150 Salt air and blood NorthSeaWars Won 35 1675
36227 Red Dirt Rich ManifestDestiny Drawn 1 1676
33788 Divided States Gunboat Divided_States Defeated -52 1624
36883 No chat just fun 33 Classic Defeated -39 1585
36771 Big Guns YoungstownRedux Drawn 7 1592
37927 Crusader Crusades1201 Survived 22 1614
38253 One Night in Bangkok Canton Drawn 25 1639
38101 Smoking jackets and single malt scotch Edwardian3 Drawn 13 1652
38292 WWII Global Boogaloo WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 0 1652
39169 Google Translators AberrationV Defeated 0 1652
38804 Choose Your Weapon Europa_Renovatio Defeated -33 1619
40445 Kicking butts ClassicFog Defeated -36 1583
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Won 760 2343
38825 Cry God for Harry! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 35 2378
38797 Silent Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated -77 2301
40604 A modern pickle A_Modern_Europe Defeated -68 2233
44041 What's under your kilt? Scottish_Clan_Wars Drawn 4 2237
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 2237
44040 Western Quintuple WesternEurope1300 Defeated -47 2190
41006 Fake NewsLeak Interference Democalypse World10 Defeated -40 2150
43154 A Humble Low Stakes Match Modern2 Defeated -37 2113
44418 Here Kitty Kitty Africa Defeated -60 2053
44961 Old World/New World AtlanticColonies Survived -26 2027
45633 Italian Stallions Machiavelli Drawn 5 2032
44996 Full-Frontal Scrotal Lobotomy A_Modern_Europe Drawn 21 2053
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Defeated -65 1988
45906 Prawn Star NorthSeaWars Survived -29 1959
43656 (En)Joy Division Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1959
43868 Another Herd Needs Culling Europa_Renovatio Defeated -58 1901
45710 Pointy Pointy Stabby Stabby Imperial2 Defeated -50 1851
47910 Hangin’ tuff TenSixtySix_V3 Won 16 1867
48079 Amby and Kaner ClassicFvA Survived -9 1858
48631 You Ratty Bastard-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -41 1817
49090 Dystopian Post-Truth Knockdown-Dragout WhoControlsAmerica Drawn 52 1869
50146 Spice Isles SpiceIslands Defeated -29 1840
49586 Screaming Jugular Bloodaxe Gusher MongolianEmpire Defeated -34 1806
41200 DSA Divided_States -43 1763
50047 Coalition Janus EmpiresCoalitions Defeated 0 1763
49311 Diplomacy Beyond Europe Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1763
51205 Foggy 1898 VIII Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1763
49951 Serial Imperial III Imperial2 Defeated 0 1763
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio Drawn 22 1785
52039 Antipopes, Ottomans and Indulgences Rinascimento Defeated 0 1785
49717 Yellowstone Honey Europa_Renovatio Survived 0 1785
52242 Mewowoowo AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1785
51491 Omicron vs Europe A_Modern_Europe Drawn 55 1840
51359 Mom's Spaghetti YoungstownWWII Won 23 1863
52838 Celtic Britain 2.0 CelticBritain Resigned 0 1863
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1863
51574 Four Heralds Winterkorn Bloodbath Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1863
52689 Just a regular classic game Classic Won 24 1887
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Defeated 0 1887
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1887
51906 Global WWIVsealanes Drawn 93 1980
53409 Blind-2 Classic1898Fog -38 1942
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1942
53394 Jupiter V Zeus5 Drawn 30 1972
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Defeated 0 1972
53281 Etrl. A_Modern_Europe Drawn 16 1988
53426 Youngstown Gunboat -8 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1988
53560 1885 Gunboat-12 Colonial1885 Drawn 11 1999
53824 celtic britain -2 CelticBritain Defeated 0 1999
54319 More Coffee and more... Beskar Africa Drawn 12 2011
54338 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -5 YoungstownWWII Survived 0 2011
54388 Caribbean Gunboat-7 Karibik Defeated 0 2011
54550 nb Classic -27 1984
55039 Gunboat-20 Classic Drawn 7 1991
54932 Good 'ol diplo Classic Survived 0 1991
55060 Join this! Edwardian3 Drawn 2 1993
54377 For Opium! 3.0 Imperial2 Drawn 15 2008
55451 Das Gunboat-23 WWII Survived 0 2008
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 2008
55729 Classic 1898 FoW -2 Classic1898Fog Won 28 2036
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 2036
55142 Leandro Barbossa - WTA ClassicBrazilian Drawn 12 2048
54812 1885 Gunboat-15 Colonial1885 Survived 12 2060
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio -115 1945
54857 Shake the World World Defeated 0 1945
51725 The 26704th Europa Renovatio Gunboat Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1945
56385 Classic-20 Classic Defeated 0 1945
55727 Aberration V GUNBOAT AberrationV Defeated 0 1945
55453 Modern Europe Gunboat-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1945
55928 Imperial Gunboat-11 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1945
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 -81 1864
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1864
56850 Crete 9 AncMed Drawn 14 1878
57140 WTA W II WWII Survived 0 1878
55996 Grow and Conquer Imperial2 Drawn 15 1893
56325 American Conflict-8 AmericanConflict Defeated 0 1893
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1893
57203 Caribbean Gunboat-10 Karibik Defeated 0 1893
56696 Sand boat 2 GobbleEarth Survived 0 1893
56340 Doot Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1893
57160 Europe 2023 A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1893
57710 Maria Theresa's nightmare AustrianSuccession Drawn 21 1914
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 1914
57968 Shogun Warrior Sengoku5 Drawn 5 1919
58045 Gunboat 555: Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Survived 0 1919
58242 Das Gunboat-41 WWII Defeated 0 1919
56975 Eternal Griping Imperial2 Defeated 0 1919
58179 Diplomacy Games presents South of Sahara SouthSahara Drawn 22 1941
58244 Al Brought Explosives SouthSahara Drawn 7 1948
56279 Splinter in a moshpit Europa_Renovatio Drawn 176 2124
58985 We love the Earth Part 2 Colonial1885 Drawn 16 2140
57060 Vikings-6 Viking Survived 19 2159
59743 The Six Sapateers Classic Drawn 5 2164
56416 Europa Imperotia 3 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 73 2237
59345 Das Gunboat-55 WWII Drawn 4 2241
59976 Classic7Islands ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 4 2245
59479 now for real Imperial2 Drawn 10 2255
60016 Playing through all the variants #16: American Con AmericanConflict Survived 0 2255
60030 Murica FY Empire4 Drawn 4 2259
60450 gamato Classic Drawn 8 2267
59549 Reality is a dangerous game to play Modern2 Drawn 9 2276
60136 ClassicGunboat-8 Classic Survived 0 2276
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 2276
60476 World War II-14 WWII Survived 0 2276
60973 Mediterranean Gunboat-9 AncMed Survived 0 2276
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Defeated 0 2276
59624 Massive European Gunboat Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 2276
61382 It’s 1900 but not Classic Baron1900 Survived 0 2276
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Drawn 37 2313