Finished: 10 PM Sun 20 Aug 17 UTC
Private 2nd Fog of War 7x7 - 3
2 days /phase
Pot: 210 D - Autumn, 1912, Finished
Classic - Fog of War, No messaging, Anon, WTA, Hidden draw votes, ChooseYourCountry
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
This is a moderated game. Gamedirector: Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B)) (is playing too).
2nd Fog of War 7x7 Tournament

Game won by d-ice (1969 D)

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19 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1901: Info: This is a choose your country game.
20 Aug 17 UTC Why does it say 'Game won by d-ice' and not 'Game won by BobRoss'? Another bug on this website..

Anyway, congratulations! I really had no clue what I was doing with England.
20 Aug 17 UTC Agh Russia, you finally decided to attack me in 1912 and then Turkey wins. :-( I figured you were pretty safe in the south, given you had space to throw units at me. I was hoping Turkey and France would bounce each other in Munich that last turn, but didn't realise it was Turkey's 18th coming up and that France was under so much pressure in the south. Oh well, good game and well done d-ice!
20 Aug 17 UTC Germany, it was the attempt to slip into Sweden the turn before that triggered it. I was very wary of Turkey and had just moved units over so I could hold Warsaw and Moscow. I was very close to convoying Sweden to Livonia so I'd have 4 armies to lock down my line, and if I did you would have taken Sweden. The result would have been the same either way, however, as Turkey moved at just the same time.
20 Aug 17 UTC Congrats d-ice. These games have been great!
20 Aug 17 UTC That last phase really changed the whole colour scheme of the map. So many SC swaps taking place. A line of Spain - Marseilles - Munich and Moscow is most definitely a beautiful way to claim a victory, very well done!
20 Aug 17 UTC Yeah, that jump on France was a thing of beauty. Must be a very satisfying win :)
21 Aug 17 UTC I didn't have any idea Turkey was doing so well. I have no idea where that came from. I feel like I missed the whole game.
21 Aug 17 UTC Hey! I survived with 1 SC! I'm getting better! And BobRoss wasn't the winner!
21 Aug 17 UTC Yippie, glad to be on the scoreboard!

I had a great game with two lucky moves, one each against Italy and Austria. Those two moves set the pace for the rest of the game. After that I was trying my best to keep Russia, France and Germany calm by not showing too many units until I was in position to launch the final push.

Happy I could let Austria survive, albeit in exile and without units. :)
21 Aug 17 UTC Congrats on the win!
21 Aug 17 UTC I didn't even see Turkey until the day before we were putting Couscous into our crepes. I'd really like a world wide game of fog of war. I'd also like to have the orders posted from areas that we can see. Fog of War makes things really interesting.
21 Aug 17 UTC I'd love a fog of war with intel. So you are reminded of what the last thing you saw in a territory or sea zone and how long ago you saw it. Sure, you can get that from previous turns, but a merged map with an indicator of season and year that you saw a given ownership/unit would make it more interesting.
21 Aug 17 UTC Or the ability to use spies that can't capture, are highly stealthy, but can *be* captured and interrogated for your info would be cool. So if a spy had no where to slip to when he was in an SC that got captured, he would be captured. He couldn't move to an occupied SC, couldn't but support, and couldn't cause a bounce, but he also couldn't be seen and would have the same capability to see of any other unit. You get a spy behind enemy lines and you could map out the enemy at the risk of the enemy learning everything about you.
21 Aug 17 UTC If he has a retreat, but someone else retreats there, he gets captured.
21 Aug 17 UTC The key is he costs a support SC the same as any army or fleet so you give up a combat unit for a chance at intel.
21 Aug 17 UTC Spies can see spies...

I may have to propose a new unit type on the forum and lay out my thoughts for other's input.