Finished: 03 PM Wed 23 Oct 19 UTC
Join me brotha
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 85 D - Autumn, 2006, Finished
South America (5 players), Anon, WTA, ChooseYourCountry
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend always
Game won by VanZ (1239 D)

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11 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
11 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: Join meeee
11 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: I em heea
12 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: Info: This is a choose your country game.
13 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: Can i choose Canada?
13 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
13 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: ARGENTINAAAAAA
13 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: henlo
15 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
15 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: Bleh
15 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Argentina replacing "Gabriel25". Reconsider your alliances.
15 Sep 19 UTC Spring, 2000: Welcome
04 Oct 19 UTC Spring, 2004: Alright, we're in deep shit tbh guys. Columbia is only 5 centers off of soloing, they are guaranteed Rio and Possibly La Paz this year, just this year. After that Arequipa, Ecuador, and Paraguay are all easy grabs for the position they have. If we can work together against them and put aside our differences, they may be even a possibility of a 3 way draw if we keep it up long enough. We each need 8 centers for a 3 way, that leaves me with Costa Rica and Med, Brazil with their lost territory and extra centers of Columbia's, and Chile with the centers that Brazil currently occupies. If we work together, we can turn this around. Chile and Brazil, let me know what you think, Argentina, rip, Columbia, about to die
07 Oct 19 UTC Autumn, 2004: peru is no just as dangerous as me my dudes, and he has placement advantage. you can try to kill me all you want but if you neglect him, then you'll be handing him the game.
07 Oct 19 UTC Autumn, 2004: I mean as long as he sticks to the 8 SC suggestion I trust that none of the 3 of us will solo
07 Oct 19 UTC Autumn, 2004: Peru doesn't intend to draw the game and he never has, he told me that we were going to draw the game, but once my defenses were low he attacked me, then when I gained the upper hand, he called to you guys for help. Don't make the same mistake I made and trust peru to not attack you once it's convenient to.
07 Oct 19 UTC Autumn, 2004: I intend to draw between me, Brazil, and Chile. Brazil will retake their land, and Chile will occupy the territory they're in now, on top of Pot once I can safely exchange the center without fear of having to destroy something. I'll slowly trade centers to Chile while I crawl up your coastline, and Brazil will come up your East flank. There is nothing you can do to stop us
07 Oct 19 UTC Autumn, 2004: I intend to draw between me, Brazil, and Chile. Brazil will retake their land, and Chile will occupy the territory they're in now, on top of Pot once I can safely exchange the center without fear of having to destroy something. I'll slowly trade centers to Chile while I crawl up your coastline, and Brazil will come up your East flank. There is nothing you can do to stop us
07 Oct 19 UTC Autumn, 2004: Oops sorry for the double
07 Oct 19 UTC Autumn, 2004: Yeah Colombia you also told me early on that you were going to attack Peru and instead went for me. I don't blame you (it's the game we play), but there's no reason for me not to trust Peru over you. And if Peru gets greedy (which I don't think will happen) then it will be 2 v 1, Chile and Brazil v Peru.