Finished: 12 PM Wed 11 May 22 UTC
Private Tajikistan v2
12 hours /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1811, Finished
1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Anon, Unranked, ChooseYourCountry
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never
Game won by Nixie (985 D)

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27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: Hey guys, this game is **anonymous!** That means that your name is hidden and people won't know what country you are. So don't tell anyone which country you are.
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: ALSO! This game is 12 hour RAPID FIRE deadlines and will mean you will need to submit moves TWICE a day. This is to make the game faster as this is quite a large variant, and will practice you to be able to submit moves and talk faster for later games like Afghanistan v8.
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: hello, mine comrades
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: que est tu
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: Je Suis France
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: 12 hours! Ima miss some turns the rotations are staged in certain ways! Uh oh!
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: ..
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: Finally, a game where Iceland is an SC
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: That would have been useful in v4
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: Who rly cares about Iceland tho, lets be honest, all they have is a cool place to go on a vacation (pun intended) and overpriced food
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800:
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: ..
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: Info: This is a choose your country game.
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: Is Gibraltar a sea territory?
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: I think di
27 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: So
28 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: Whats up my homies?
28 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: The night sky
28 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1800: I know, I’m so funny
