Finished: 11 AM Fri 06 May 22 UTC
Live: American Secession War
7 minutes /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1862, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by lambda.nrx (1487 D)

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06 May 22 UTC Spring, 1860: (actium): Hello, OMG, 7min phases. No way
06 May 22 UTC Spring, 1860: (lambda.nrx): Hello! It's enough time.
06 May 22 UTC Spring, 1860: (lambda.nrx): It's annoying that the game doesn't start immediately but we now have to wait 8 minutes.
06 May 22 UTC Autumn, 1861: Some tips for you: On this map most of the times one side wins not because they reach the 34 center treshhold but because they conquer the home centers of the opponent or at least always keep them blocked so he cant build. So in order to win it's vital to controll the middle of the map. Richmond, Chicago are crucial centers to have, and it's always good to have units in Indiana, Kentucky, WV, Chesapeake, East coast and Cape May.

In year 1 it's very usual to bounce in Kentucky - if one side gets there in year one it's an annoying guessing game for both.
06 May 22 UTC Autumn, 1861: You see, now that you've lost Ohio, you won't be able to build as much units as your centers would allow. This year I will block NY and/or NJ for you, so even fewer builds.
06 May 22 UTC GameMaster: Union voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
06 May 22 UTC 7mins is too short for me i am barely meeting the 7 mins with this few units
06 May 22 UTC Honestly between that and working i hadnt the time. Sorry i only saw 7 mins after i joined and i couldnt withdraw