Finished: 03 PM Mon 29 Aug 22 UTC
sheer randomness (AI)
1 day /phase
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by SierraLeone (1461 D)

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12 Aug 22 UTC Autumn, 1901: Hey. This is an unusually high level of randomness for a game start.
I was expecting our start would more likely be with two non-adjacent countries. But, no, tension from the start!
12 Aug 22 UTC Autumn, 1901: I think this will be the most balanced game I have played yet. The others had russia, where starting with 4 scs was just crazy powerful, or england which could only get 2 scs in the first year
12 Aug 22 UTC Spring, 1902: Until this one I hadn’t seen a random two country game.
16 Aug 22 UTC Autumn, 1905: Damn, clearly didn’t save my orders.
28 Aug 22 UTC GG Thanks for playing with me
28 Aug 22 UTC Indeed. GG. It was a good random selection of countries.
28 Aug 22 UTC If you are intrested: