Finished: 02 PM Mon 18 Mar 24 UTC
Lucky Day
20 hours /phase
Pot: 63 D - Autumn, 1913, Finished
Classic - Fog of War, No messaging, Anon, WTA
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by BillyJack (1786 D)

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04 Mar 24 UTC Autumn, 1905: GameMaster: Germany voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
04 Mar 24 UTC Autumn, 1905: GameMaster: Germany voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
18 Mar 24 UTC Well done, France! GGs

Russia, why did you continue to attack me when it was clear that England or France was dominating the map? If my troops had been free, I could have at least slowed France's advance in the Mediterranean considerably. I tried to indicate to you that I would not attack you, but you ignored that and continued to pressure me. Why?
18 Mar 24 UTC Good going France. I never really had a chance. I should probably have worked with Austria from the start and tried building something in the east. I don't think that would have worked fast enough either.
18 Mar 24 UTC GG game all.
18 Mar 24 UTC @Turkey, sorry about that. But my troops were not situated well to defend against England, and thus I had to pull back south. I was just trying to get any SC that I could to keep my units alive.