A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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fraushai (1136 D)
18 Feb 16 UTC
Modern diplomacy
Please join!
0 replies
KingRichard (824 D)
08 Feb 16 UTC
Grey press
Hi Can someone please explain how the grey press works, i.e who can post and who can read?
16 replies
orathaic (952 D)
05 Feb 16 UTC
1vs1 maps - balance
So i made a few of the 1v1 maps (not the first one...) and i see some of them are still being used. But i don't think i never really play-tested them...
33 replies
Arcuate (1000 D)
06 Feb 16 UTC
New Planetary Colonisation Game - Play by email
I'm designing a Diplomacy-like board game set on a struggling planetary colony, and I need playtesters.!forum/kepler-board-game
2 replies
Talleyround (1030 D)
04 Feb 16 UTC
Join Heptarchy today!
Battle it out in early medieval Britain!

I want to try something new so please join! :)
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
10 Jan 16 UTC
gameID=24982 new game
12 replies
Anon (?? D)
04 Feb 16 UTC
Pure 3
join my game : gameID=25245
Its map is Pure
1 reply
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
25 Jan 16 UTC
Happy Australia Day
Time to throw down a tinny, smash some vegemite and toss your thongs in the backyard with some mates.
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Mapu (2086 D (B))
25 Jan 16 UTC
Good on ya, mate.
AKeeFaTheHun (1078 D)
25 Jan 16 UTC
Eating a vegemite and cheese on hot buttered toast right now :) Happy Australia Day everyone :)
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 16 UTC
What is Australia day?
AKeeFaTheHun (1078 D)
25 Jan 16 UTC
Our national holiday. Anniversary of the day Australia was colonised in 1788.
Australian equivalent of the pilgrims arriving at Plymouth.
CommanderByron (987 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
Does Australia have something analogous to the american "independence day"? I am assuming they do but, assumptions are not true....
spyman (1072 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
No. Australia never really had an independence day as such. Rather control gradually passed from Britain to Australia. The closest we have would be be Federation in January 1, 1901, but we were not truly independent at that time.
Australia was effectively independent from the 1930s onwards but we only became "officially" independent in 1986.
CommanderByron (987 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
wow; so there are people alive in Australia who lived under and grew up under british rule? is there a big difference between being semi-autonomous and independent? Like anyone from Australia who remembers, has anything significantly changed or felt different? or is it all superficial?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 16 UTC
Most of my father's generation don't even know the words to our national anthem!
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 16 UTC
Also include:
New Coinage (Pounds to Dollars)
New Measurements (imperial to decimal)
Indigenous land rights
Never ending referendums about actually becoming a republic...

Anything else?
spyman (1072 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
"wow; so there are people alive in Australia who lived under and grew up under british rule? "

No one really perceived themselves to be living under British rule. In reality we made our own rules for the entire 20th century, with only foreign policy officially managed by the British until the 1930s. We're really just talking about the rubber stamping of laws.

The main difference in recent times is that Australia has become more much more multicultural, starting with Greek and Italian immigration after WW2, and then more Asian immigration from the 1980s onwards. Before the 80s Australia was a very Anglo society. Independent but at the same time very much part of the British Empire. Indeed when we had a referendum a few years ago about severing ties with the crown and becoming a republic the motion was defeated (however I suspect that next time it will pass).

But that has been gradually changing for a long time. The first big change is that after WW2 Australia looked more and more to the USA for our defense policy. Australia, being an Island, with small population and an enormous coastline, needs a strong maritime power as an ally. Before WW2 Britain was that power, but by the end of WW2 it was clear that the USA had taken control of the worlds seas. Hence we shifted our allegiances in that direction.

spyman (1072 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
Fun fact: Australia's national anthem was the same as Britain's, 'God Save the Queen' until 1984, when it was replaced by 'Advance Australia Fair', a song the practically no one knows all the word too.
mouse (1776 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
I'd agree that no-one knows the second verse onwards, but everyone I've encountered where it would be relevant is pretty decent at the first verse.

More common is not knowing what half the words actually mean (seriously, though, 'girt' is pretty self explanatory in the given context) or horribly mangling the pronunciation of "advance".
spyman (1072 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
Are you an Aussie, Mouse? Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking? I am in Melbourne.
spyman (1072 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
Where is everyone else based?
Much rather prefer "Waltzing Matlida" as a national anthem. More catchy tune. As all Aussies know its actually a song about a bushie stealing some guys sheep, then committing suicide by jumping into a lake. But other country's have a worse premise for a national anthem.

@spyman - I take and understand the legal premise of 1986 as around the same time the right for British citizens living in Australia (who weren't Australian citizens) to vote was taken away and likewise the right of judicial appeal to the privvy council.

But the real change happened when in WW2 we gave up on the British protecting us and instead looked to America who we've been militarily joined to the hip ever since.
Strider (1604 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
The Queen is still the head of state and we are part of the Commonwealth. I think the queen has more right to "power" In Australia than in uk in political circles but as with uk it is unlikely to be exercised.

mouse (1776 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
spyman: same, Melbourne.

Strider: as I understand it, the Governor General effectively acts as the Queen - confirms that a functioning government exists after an election, then buggers off to engage in ceremonial duties 'til the next election :p
Strider (1604 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
Yes but the Governor general (GG) can refer any bill to the queen for approval. Also no bill of parliament can be ratified with out the royal seal, by the GG or the queen.
If the ruling party or PM is in sufficient trouble, strife or disaray it can be dismissed by the queen. See Gough Whitlam
Strider (1604 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
FYI I'm Sydney based
mouse (1776 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
I did note 'functioning' government, to cover the event of a double dissolution. And was still the GG who did it, though they used the Queen's power.

Better that we have someone to do that, than have to put up with a government not capable of doing anything for the duration of their term...
AKeeFaTheHun (1078 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
I live in Brisvegas.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
26 Jan 16 UTC
I always thought that Australians viewed your boys being used a meat shields against in place Turkish machine guns in Thrace by Churchill as the beginning of national consciousness.

I remember as a child watching the Aussie Open in which they played Waltzing Matilda with the crowd singing along and which ever Aussie player from the 1960s doing the voice over explained to us in America that the song everyone was singing was not in fact the national anthem which was something else that he did not both to name. He expressed some belief in the silliness of Australia's national anthem selection.

@Amby....The landing at Plymouth was the colonizing of Massachusetts but was more than a decade after Jamestown in Virginia. John Smith of Jamestown mapped the coastline of and named "New England" sailing north from Virginia, and the Plymouth Company effectively bought the colonization rights from the Virginia Company that was busy with Jamestown. There also was the "lost colony" at Roanoke that disappeared more than 30 years before Plymouth. The company responsible for Jamestown also founded a short lived settlement in Maine before Plymouth. But Americans tend to think in terms of Independence and not a lot else. Texans probably know more about Moses Austin and his son Stephen than most Americans know about Myles Standish.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 16 UTC
Jesus...since when do we have so many Aussies here?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
26 Jan 16 UTC it the purpose of governments to always be "doing things"? The entire American system of government is predicated on the idea of preventing governments from "doing things".

When governments (read the leaderships of political parties) get to decide when elections are they have the power to obstruct outsiders from interfering. You can't have open primaries without firmly scheduled elections, and without open primaries, you end up with a central party office assigning candidates to regional districts. That is not a system likely to produce responsive government. I wonder whether Tony Benn did not just want to mount a Trotskyite takeover of the British Labour Party, but he could have achieved his publicly stated goals by simply fixing the election calender and then forcing the scheduling of open party primaries. The American South actually had more electoral competition (elected officials were defeated more often) under single party Democrat rule than in the supposedly competitive two party system since 1960.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
26 Jan 16 UTC
@GOD...there used to be a lot more.
Strider (1604 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
@mouse the queen is consulted by GG and can direct the GG to act, any action wiuld need to be lawful according to Australian laws and constitution of the land. Same said for Canada and other members of the commonwealth.
AKeeFa - Brissie too.
@gopher - I keep forgetting the Brits had all sorts of issues getting colonies up and running in America. Australia though, bang, colony up and running well from the get-go (mind you 100 years of perfecting the practice in between probably helped!)

And I tend to share your view of what government is for, rather than the prevailing nanny state view of government in Australia.
"New Measurements (imperial to decimal)"

What is decimal measurement? Do you mean metric?

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RiotLeader007 (923 D)
01 Feb 16 UTC
Newbie Game
0 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
05 Jan 16 UTC
Playtesting my boardgame online
Hey guys, I've been advertising on webdip already but I forgot that it might be more popular here.
I've created a boardgame which I'm testing online now. If anyone would like to be part of the playtesting, there's still space in the very first game.
Official Rules and Official Board can be found here:
Send an email to or PM your email for more information.
8 replies
RiotLeader007 (923 D)
29 Jan 16 UTC
New Game
I created a game for new players! It's called "Newbie Game" and is the classic map and a choose your own style! The phases last 36 hrs so it should be easy to stick with! Join up and lets have some fun! :)
1 reply
00matthew2000 (2409 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
Urgently need players for 14 player game!
We need several more players for a Gobble Earth game that starts very soon. No password so if you're interested please just join!
4 replies
charlesf (1000 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
1648 Variant: Join the Tournament!
I shall be running a tournament featuring my 1648 (v5.8) variant.
1 reply
TheatreVarus (874 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
Commonly used terms
Dear Mods,
Could you add a glossary of commonly used terms to either the FAQ or the rules page? Terms such as DMZ, bounce would be useful for new players.
7 replies
SLOTerp (0 D)
27 Jan 16 UTC
Explore! variant looking for players
Description here:
Email Tom at explorediplomacy (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested. Do NOT post here - players remain blind until there is in-game contact!

Also, a human GM'd standard game is being offered at Redscape:
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Jan 16 UTC
Eternal Damnation
This is an accompanying thread for the game Eternal Damnation. This game is anon but we have 2 possible NMR, CD's. If a mod could verify for us something regarding the Samurai and the Magicians I would be so happy.

PM me if possible.
0 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
24 Jan 16 UTC
1600 variant
I am really embarrassed to ask this question, but is the Caspian Sea a navigable territory in the new 1600 variant? Because according to the map info (, it is. But I don't see how I would get a fleet there....
8 replies
reedeer1 (1049 D)
25 Jan 16 UTC
Number of Games you can join
Is there a way where Webdip phases could carry over into vdip so that more games could be joined if you have already proven yourself to be committed?
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AKeeFaTheHun (1078 D)
20 Jan 16 UTC
Australia Day Jan 26
Who want's a dust up?
14 replies
Chumbles (1380 D)
21 Jan 16 UTC
Finalising your orders
Anyone else get annoyed by players who hold a game up? In one of my games one player has a retreat. He's ordered it, but not finalised: that's 48 extra hours waiting... if it was a press game, I could understand, but it's gunboat! *breaks down in tears, runs off waving arms and screaming* "Noooo..."
11 replies
Mephisto (1462 D)
23 Jan 16 UTC
RL - Diplomacy in good old Germany in may in Hannover
Look here:
0 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
20 Jan 16 UTC
I should know this: URL for your PM's
Short of a PM arriving, I have no idea how to access the archive of PM's I've sent/received. Nothing in the FAQs either.

Can someone remind me (and maybe we can add this to the FAQ's?)
5 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
19 Jan 16 UTC
Real life travel "solo win"of Dip
So you need 18 SC's to win the Classic map. I checked the other day (after my Man in Trieste post) on what SC's I'd visited in real life...
20 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
18 Jan 16 UTC
The Man from Trieste
Funny thing happened today, I met a man from Trieste who was surprised that anyone outside of Italy (let alone me in Australia) had even heard of Trieste. Read on...
3 replies
baky123 (1235 D)
08 Jan 16 UTC
So I saw that our friends at PlayDiplomacy have a variant called Versailles, and it seems to be quite interesting. I couldn't find all that much on the variant, but I was wondering about how feasible it would be to implement it.
11 replies
Sky Captain (1161 D)
13 Jan 16 UTC
Setting Large Map as Desktop Background
Hi fellow diplos, I had a question. I want to write/find/create something that will automatically pull the large scale image of my current game and set it as my background image. I also want it to update the image every turn so that the map stays up to date. Does anyone know where I should start? I feel that writing a macro to pull the image wouldn't be too hard, but I'm not sure how to do the auto update part.
2 replies
Deinodon (1179 D)
13 Jan 16 UTC
problem with fog of war game
Is there a moderator email we are supposed to write to for this kind of stuff?
On my iPhone I tried entering a support order, but the unit I wanted to support was not one of the options given. When I got home, I tried it on my laptop and the option was available. I just went back on my iphone and the option was not there.
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Jan 16 UTC
gunboat anyone?
0 replies
Chumbles (1380 D)
10 Jan 16 UTC
Blind Man's Buff
Ever played Blindfold Chess? Well there's a near-equivalent called Fog of War: you see your own units and centres and adjacent spaces only. The ultimate in paranoia: there are two potential games you can join - James Hunt and Poseidon's Revenge 1. Come and stumble around in the dark!
2 replies
Gramuk (1489 D)
08 Jan 16 UTC
NMR Bug Question (Game: 24922)
Greek Diplomacy seems to have an NMR Bug. More below.
2 replies
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