A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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mapleleaf (1155 D X)
12 Oct 14 UTC
I'm going to Alice Cooper...
Mrs mapleleaf bought tickets. The women amazes me still. I am blessed among men.
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zurn (1178 D)
05 Nov 14 UTC
Diplomacy: The Movie
I'm not kidding. OK, it's simply called "Diplomatie" (mostly in French), and it has nothing to do with the board game, but it's a decent talking heads movie set during the liberation of Paris in WW2:

Who knows, you might pick up a negotiation tactic or two...
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mfarb (1338 D)
31 Oct 14 UTC
happy 40 oli thank you for everything
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Gregorus (1102 D)
29 Oct 14 UTC
What happened to these orders?
In our game, ID 21086, I'm either missing a rule or an order somewhere, or the moves were resolved wrongly.
4 replies
Need a sitter for France
don't have time to coordinate in my map. If you want to try the position, which is a little bad but still okay, then chat me privately
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Anon (?? D)
27 Oct 14 UTC
Need sitter for Germany in World War IV sealanes game

It's a difficult position, but not indefensible. Post here if you're interested.
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EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
26 Oct 14 UTC
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Synapse (814 D)
15 Oct 14 UTC
Let's assume for a moment that you play for the maximum number of points attainable per game. (WTA)
48 replies
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
24 Oct 14 UTC
I pointed out an Islamophobic thread to zultar.
The thread was locked, then that Islamophobic lackey of americans banned me. Tuan is a bigot. I pity his offspring.
18 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
23 Oct 14 UTC
Halloween Stories
In recognition of this fun holiday, I figured some of us should share some Halloween tales. Have at it. Personal experience (paranormal experience, party story, you as a youngin' trick-or-treating with your lads) scary story, any Halloween literature, differences between Halloween country-country, family tradition, etcetera. Have fun with it- Looking forward to seeing some neat responses.

Happy Halloween Everyone!!
24 replies
Let's try again...
Several old WebDippers and a couple.folks from here started what was turning into a good game only to have an unreliable player who shall remain nameless (just check my recent draws to find out who) went and CDed. Let's try it again. The Varian is a fun one and we just need a replacement for...
67 replies
bruckner85 (981 D)
13 Oct 14 UTC
WWII Italiana
Mi rivolgo a tutti gli utenti italiani di questo sito!!!
E' in attesa di partire una partita WWII, pot 20 per giocatori italiani. Scrivete se interessati a me e io provvederò a fornirvi la password!
Mancano solo due giocatori, accorrete!!!
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Anon (?? D)
26 Sep 14 UTC
Championship Belt, up for grabs...
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KingCyrus (1258 D)
16 Oct 14 UTC
Is Webdip down again?
Well, is it?
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Synapse (814 D)
10 Oct 14 UTC
Can we get this Middle East test game going?
6 players needed for testing the Middle East variant on the lab.

URL is:
9 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
12 Oct 14 UTC
Autumn and Empire EOG/AAR
A game that lasted forty game years, from 2101 till 2140.
World War IV - WTA - EoG: 100 SCs - Game won by cypeg

We all invested and devoted significant time, sweat, emotions, thoughts. Thank you everyone for playing this exciting and thrilling game. I believe most would love to hear an after action report by all those players who contributed to the changing dynamics of this game.
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Oct 14 UTC
Fog of War (New)
Classic Fog gameID=20969 starts when full.
8 replies
Windir (1570 D)
12 Oct 14 UTC
What is the victory condition for the Dark Ages variant?
The "special territories" section of the variant specifies that 19 centers are required for victory as a simple majority (18.5 rounds to 19), while the variant parameters states that 20 are needed. I saw a game drawn with one player owning 19, so this leads me to think that the latter is correct. Is this some kind of error, or did the creator decide on making it 20 instead while forgetting to change the special rules/information?
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Leopard (1045 D)
05 Oct 14 UTC
I hate the moderator.

He banned two of my accounts on WebDiplomacy.
24 replies
interesting dilema regarding whether something is metagaming or not...
More within...
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tru ninja (0 D)
09 Oct 14 UTC
2014 Webdiplomacy Tournament
Last call for entrants. It will be a fantastic and expectantly CD-free tournament. I will message players about board to maintain anonymity in 2 days.
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tru ninja (0 D)
05 Oct 14 UTC
2014 Webdiplomacy Tournament on Webdip
For anyone interested in a REAL tournament, we on are putting together a 3-round tournament. There's a $10 buy-in. WTA, 36 hour phases, anonymous, classic map with full press. Prizes include plaques for top 3 places and best country awards. Games are filling until October 11th. Games start October 12th.
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For once I'm in agreement with maple. We've stated what we see as facts, called a spade a spade, I pointed out that calling a tournament on another site "REAL" (emphasis was his) is a slam on this site, a site to which he has contributed absolutely zero.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
06 Oct 14 UTC
Ychtt can you please just shut up?
Jamie_T (895 D)
06 Oct 14 UTC
Draugnar, you were not banned from WebDip for "forum stuff". You were banned because you admitted responsibility for making attacks which took down the site for several hours.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
06 Oct 14 UTC
@ goldfinger
No, actually not joking.
I'm not active on webdip from a while, I don't follow their weird forum. I used to play some live games there and I met him.

He was good enough not to be in need to cheat, that's why I'm surprised to hear that he was actually a chief-multi.
I tend to think that multiaccounting is just for weak players.
No Jamie, I wasn't. They claimed I threatened and called for the death of a mod when I said "terminate him" when anyone in the professional world knows terminate means fire. They can make up all the excuses they want and claim they have proof I tried a DDOS (which is probably *false* and any evidence they have is fabricated). I got banned because I said "terminate 2WL" but it's actually fine. This is the better forum and turning into the better site with all the variants anyhow.
Provably false...
tru ninja (0 D)
06 Oct 14 UTC
I had a similar respect for sarge. It was a shock to me, too. Maybe that's how he got his stats up. I haven't taken time to really look at his profile.

Anyhow, back to the subject at hand. We have already had 2 people sign up from here. Any others interested?
Jamie_T (895 D)
06 Oct 14 UTC
@ Draugnar: "...claim they have proof I tried a DDOS..."

I have proof that you admitted it.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
06 Oct 14 UTC
Nobody cares about any of this, please stop talking about it. It is disrespectful for you be derailing tru ninja's thread like this.
Tru is advertising a competing site here, something forbidden on webdip.
tru ninja (0 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
thx jimbozig.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
Well you're not a moderator here, so why don't you shut the fuck up about what's allowed and not allowed on the site that you got banned on and remind us every fucking day twice an hour about? Tru ninja's advertisement/recruiting isn't detrimental to play here. Some of us are actually interested in playing Dip here rather than reading your nitwittery. Frankly I welcome the notice of it, and the fact that you've derided it only serves to endorse the event's attractiveness.
I just find the hypocrisy incredulous is all. And Three posts in 12 hours is only about an eight of your hyper exaggerated claim.
tru ninja (0 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
That sir, is worth a +1. I'd live to play a game with you sometime.
Synapse (814 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
Truninja please can you not advertise on this site until you have at least played a few games, that's just common courtesy.
tru ninja (0 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
5 more for 3 boards. Friday is the final day for sign ups.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
07 Oct 14 UTC
Are you allowing unpaid Aspergers morons, like steephie22, to fill-in?

steephie22 (91 )
Sat 03 PM
@Mapu: Not willing to pay $10 rather than unable, big difference.
Price and value. A webdip tournament doesn't have a $10 value to me, no offence. I assure you I'm not poor, and though I'm definitely quite a saver, I would say I'm frugal either. I just distinguish 'good buys' from 'bad buys' even if I can afford the 'bad buys' too. For me with my current crazy schedule, $10 for a webdip tournament is a 'bad buy'. Playing webdip for free is sometimes a bit of a bad habit for me as it is.

@Oct: I'm not objecting, just saying:
The CDs are all from quite a distant past. Furthermore, most of them are not games ruined by me (so they were already ruined by unbalanced CDs for example) or they are games I couldn't continue because of RL stuff. Quite a bit of bad luck is involved in that track record.
Most importantly though, I refer you to my first argument: all the CDs are from a distant past. Since then, I bet people can confirm I've been reliable and I've played some quality games. Only quality games (IMO), actually. That is not to say I'm such a qualified player, that's to say I enjoy myself most when I'm almost certainly going to be defeated because all the other players in the game are way out of my league. I just like the thrill of losing I suppose. Yeah I'm weird. So anyway, that's the poor amount of wins and draws explained as well.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
07 Oct 14 UTC
steephie22 (91 )
Sat 04 PM
And to be clear @Tru, I'm still not sure whether I want to be in (even for free) at all. Hence I'm not donating $10 I suppose :-)

For now I suppose you can feel free to contact me if you need another guy Tru, but anyone else can play for me and I'm not sure what my answer would be if you do contact me.

So I'm out for now but you can put me on some 'last resort' list if you like.
Synapse (814 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
Steephie's web hosting business hasn't made any profits as he expected. I might wire him $10 if he's think its too steep.... (get it?)

Seriously though tru ninja this is very rude posting here purely to advertise even though you don't play here. GTFO.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
Thus speaketh the guy ignoring the VDip mod post in this thread.
Synapse (814 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
Excuse me? He was talking about Draugnar's webdip case. I'm talking about advertising without playing, and to make it clear I'm not a mod, it's just inconsiderate and stupid.
Octavious (0 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
@ Synapse

There are a huge number of inconsiderate and stupid posts made in the forums of the Diplomacy sites we all know and love, but I hardly think one designed to increase the opportunities we have to enjoy the game qualifies.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
Tru ninja's post was not rude, inconsiderate, or stupid. He was inviting players to consider joining his tournament. Who cares if he plays here or not? The reality is that what he is offering is a "real" tournament, as opposed to what we have available here, which are well intentioned experiments that fall apart after you invest a few months in them. This is chiefly because the people hosting the tournaments lose interest in them and allow them to wither on the vine. Furthermore, Synapse, you're a rather dubious character to be speaking to who plays here with 5 of your 18 games abandoned...

Tru ninja posted here offering opportunities to play Diplomacy, which is far more than you have contributed to that end. And in case you're incapable of recognizing it, this thread is known to the VDip moderators, and their only concern about it has been to ask that the inane and incessant WebDip bashing "please" stop. Naturally you ignored that and poured gasoline on the embers of that fire. Well done, nitwit.
Jamie_T (895 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
There is absolutely nothing rude or stupid about Tru Ninja's behaviou, SYnapse. On the other hand, you are being quite rude... and more than a little stupid.
Jamie_T (895 D)
07 Oct 14 UTC
I also note that SYnapse has provided no evidence of his claim that the tournament is "illegal".
Synapse (814 D)
08 Oct 14 UTC
Jamie every time you challenge me on a legal point you are proven wrong. Why can't you accept that I studied law and leave it at that?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
08 Oct 14 UTC
Well I for one am interested in a tournament like this. Could you give us some more information TruNinja? For instance - how is the money handled?
Synapse (814 D)
08 Oct 14 UTC
"Furthermore, Synapse, you're a rather dubious character to be speaking to who plays here with 5 of your 18 games abandoned..."

While that is a great comment for +1 whoring, I don’t see what my game record has to do with the principle that I don’t advertise here unduly. I actually have a bronze contributor badge for this site, y’know. I’ve contributed to the wiki, made a variant, tested, as well as my games. Meanwhile truninja has made an account purely to advertise on the forum a tournament hosted off-site and potentially illegal.

“And in case you're incapable of recognizing it, this thread is known to the VDip moderators, and their only concern about it has been to ask that the inane and incessant WebDip bashing "please" stop. Naturally you ignored that and poured gasoline on the embers of that fire.”

Please point out where I’m WebDip bashing. I’m merely truninja bashing.

I think it’s an important question to ascertain this isn’t a scam – where is the money pooled?
Any incomes from game play are classed as taxable income and should be declared to the relevant tax authority, unless they are tax-free proceeds from gambling in which case a gambling license is required. Online gambling without a license is inprisonable offense in most countries.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
08 Oct 14 UTC
Synapse - please let Tru_Ninja have his say. No need to jump off the deep end.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Oct 14 UTC
K, whatevers.

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goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
08 Oct 14 UTC
Heya you
Coma joina our game, "Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi!"

1 reply
mfarb (1338 D)
06 Oct 14 UTC
wwiv tie
What happens if two countries reach the victory condition on the same year?
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mfarb (1338 D)
21 Sep 14 UTC
WWIV game
33 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
04 Oct 14 UTC
Where would you go to see... if money or time were no object?
One of them for me would be Cherrapunji in India:
I have heaps of other places I would like to visit, but would like to hear about where people here would like to go as well.
27 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
05 Oct 14 UTC
Interactive map contrast / brightness
Hey, is it just me, or is the interactive map really, really dark for some reason?
3 replies
Morandini (1103 D)
01 Oct 14 UTC
fast game
anybody interested in a E v T 5 minutes / turn game?
1 reply
Jamie_T (895 D)
01 Oct 14 UTC
I'd like to try Fog of War
Please join me!

2 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
21 Apr 14 UTC
VDip Characters in their Game of Thrones Roles
Here's a look at the VDiplomacy community if it was place in George R.R. Martin's Song of Fire and Blood series:

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