A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Devonian (1887 D)
29 Jun 15 UTC
1v1 Tournament Rules, Rankings, and Challenges
Official Rules for 1v1 Ladder Tournament
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Devonian (1887 D)
03 Jul 15 UTC
They are generally a lot quicker than regular 7v7 games. Check the variants tab. It lists each game variant, and the average number of turns. But, often turns are quicker also since only 2 people have to click ready. Of course, a person can take the full time and never ready, but that is rare.

I just finished 2 games that started less than a week ago. Goldfinger & Ender started on Monday, and they are almost done.
Well, no matter how the other game ends up, Ender won this round. gg. Rankings unchanged
gsmx (1084 D)
03 Jul 15 UTC
Alright, we'll i'll have to rush my learning curve but i'm in if you'll have me.
Ender wins the challenge 1-1. I suppose I'm going to have to fight Xildur now

1. DoubleCapitals
2. chasewith3fleets
3. ebconvoyking
4. JackTheGiantSlayer
5. Tricky
6. DrPrangloss
7. moosepers
8. Veross
9. CoXBoT
10. mapleleaf
11. Morandini
12. Gunmaster G-9
13. Leif_Syverson
14. y2kjbk
15. Ender
16. Devonian
17. goldfinger0303
18. Xildur
19. Maucat
20. diatarn_iv
21. gsmx
Ender (1701 D)
03 Jul 15 UTC
Goldfinger is not sharing the whole story - it could have been quite easily 2-0 in his favor. He will be eventually be moving up the list quite far.
Xildur, I'll give you till the end of the day. Else I'm challenging Devonian tomorrow
And no, I was outplayed by Ender. He's just being humble. If it weren't for 1 or 2 cheeky convoys, it would've been 2-0 in his favor
Devonian (1887 D)
03 Jul 15 UTC
gsmz has joined. There are 21 players now. so,challenges can be 3 away now.
Xildur (1385 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
I am challenging you, gold.

Xildur challenges goldfinger0303 to a map of his choice.
y2kjbk challenges Gunmaster G-9 to a map of his choice, sending PM now.
Leif_Syverson challenges Morandini to a map of his choice.
diatarn_iv challenges Maucat to a map of his choice. Sending PM now.
moosepers challenges tricky to a map of his choice
gsmx (1084 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
It's gsmx not gsmz.

Jeez DivaAmazonian, get it right.
gsmx (1084 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
Damn, was going to challenge Xildur but guess i'll challenge Maucat instead. Any map will do.
Devonian (1887 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
Lol gsmx, that's the first time I was mistaken for a diva!

Unfortunately, Maucat is also in a challenge. You will have to wait until someone finishes.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
04 Jul 15 UTC
mapleleaf challenges Veross to a map of his/her choice.
Devonian (1887 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
Xildur challenges goldfinger0303 to a map of his choice.
y2kjbk challenges Gunmaster G-9 to a map of his choice, sending PM now.
Leif_Syverson challenges Morandini to a map of his choice.
diatarn_iv challenges Maucat to a map of his choice. Sending PM now.
moosepers challenges tricky to a map of his choice
mapleleaf challenges Veross to a map of his/her choice.
gsmx (1084 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
Is there anybody in my scope available to challenge?
Unfortunately not, gsmx. Maucat and diatarn are fighting, as are Xildur and I. Once those matches end you should have your choice.
Devonian (1887 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
if you want to play a game for fun or practice. let me know. I don't have anyone I can challenge at this time either.
gsmx (1084 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
Yeah, would be awesome to get a warm up game under my belt!
Brankl (999 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
I would like to join the ladder.
1. DoubleCapitals
2. chasewith3fleets
3. ebconvoyking
4. JackTheGiantSlayer
5. Tricky
6. DrPrangloss
7. moosepers
8. Veross
9. CoXBoT
10. mapleleaf
11. Morandini
12. Gunmaster G-9
13. Leif_Syverson
14. y2kjbk
15. Ender
16. Devonian
17. goldfinger0303
18. Xildur
19. Maucat
20. diatarn_iv
21. gsmx
22. Brankl
I challenge gsmx to the map of his choice! (Sending PM. And thanks to Devonian for putting the link to this on WebDip!)
Devonian (1887 D)
04 Jul 15 UTC
You're welcome Brankl and thanks for joining. Feel free to invite others.

Xildur challenges goldfinger0303 to a map of his choice.
y2kjbk challenges Gunmaster G-9 to a map of his choice, sending PM now.
Leif_Syverson challenges Morandini to a map of his choice.
diatarn_iv challenges Maucat to a map of his choice. Sending PM now.
moosepers challenges tricky to a map of his choice
mapleleaf challenges Veross to a map of his/her choice.
Brankl challenges gsmx to the map of his choice!
Sevyas (1879 D)
05 Jul 15 UTC
I would like to join as well
1. DoubleCapitals 
2. chasewith3fleets 
3. ebconvoyking 
4. JackTheGiantSlayer 
5. Tricky 
6. DrPrangloss 
7. moosepers 
8. Veross 
9. CoXBoT 
10. mapleleaf 
11. Morandini 
12. Gunmaster G-9 
13. Leif_Syverson 
14. y2kjbk 
15. Ender 
16. Devonian 
17. goldfinger0303 
18. Xildur 
19. Maucat
20. diatarn_iv
21. gsmx
22. Brankl
23. Sevyas
I guess I ll have to wait for some challenges to finish ...
Xildur (1385 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
This is Xildur vs Gold game map :
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
First, the link to the games between me and Maucat
btw, since Duo is a symmetric map, we agreed did not swap countries.

Second, what about indicating that two players are in a challenge by marking their names with an asterisk (and removing the asterisk when the challenge is finished)? something like [correct me if I'm wrong]:

1. DoubleCapitals
2. chasewith3fleets
3. ebconvoyking
4. JackTheGiantSlayer
5* Tricky
6. DrPrangloss
7* moosepers
8* Veross
9. CoXBoT
10* mapleleaf
11* Morandini
12* Gunmaster G-9
13* Leif_Syverson
14* y2kjbk
15. Ender
16. Devonian
17.* goldfinger0303
18.* Xildur
19.* Maucat
20.* diatarn_iv
21.* gsmx
22.* Brankl
23. Sevyas
bozo (2302 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
I would like to join and challenge Sevyas to the map of his choice.
Devonian (1887 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
1. DoubleCapitals
2. chasewith3fleets
3. ebconvoyking
4. JackTheGiantSlayer
5* Tricky
6. DrPrangloss
7* moosepers
8* Veross
9. CoXBoT
10* mapleleaf
11* Morandini
12* Gunmaster G-9
13* Leif_Syverson
14* y2kjbk
15. Ender
16. Devonian
17.* goldfinger0303
18.* Xildur
19.* Maucat
20.* diatarn_iv
21.* gsmx
22.* Brankl
23. Sevyas
24 Bozo
Devonian (1887 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
Good idea diatarn_iv. I'll still post the challenges separately, but an asterisk is a good idea.

1. DoubleCapitals
2. chasewith3fleets
3. ebconvoyking
4. JackTheGiantSlayer
5* Tricky
6. DrPrangloss
7* moosepers
8* Veross
9. CoXBoT
10* mapleleaf
11* Morandini
12* Gunmaster G-9
13* Leif_Syverson
14* y2kjbk
15. Ender
16. Devonian
17.* goldfinger0303
18.* Xildur
19.* Maucat
20.* diatarn_iv
21.* gsmx
22.* Brankl
23. *Sevyas
24 * Bozo

* indicates a player currently being challenged, or in a challenge match.
Devonian (1887 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
Xildur challenges goldfinger0303 to a map of his choice.
y2kjbk challenges Gunmaster G-9 to a map of his choice, sending PM now.
Leif_Syverson challenges Morandini to a map of his choice.
diatarn_iv challenges Maucat to a map of his choice. Sending PM now.
moosepers challenges tricky to a map of his choice
mapleleaf challenges Veross to a map of his/her choice.
Brankl challenges gsmx to the map of his choice!
Bozo challenges Sevyas to the map of his choice.
Sevyas (1879 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
Bozo vs Sevyas
Classic England* vs Turkey
bugzduck (869 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
I'm in. I challenge ender!

DoubleCapitals 852
chasewith3fleets 888
ebconvoyking 906
JackTheGiantSlayer 971
Tricky 975
DrPrangloss 985
moosepers 989
Veross 1000
CoXBoT 1046
mapleleaf 1212
Morandini 1314
Gunmaster G-9 1319
Leif_Syverson 1467
y2kjbk 1468
Ender 1663
Xildur 1677
goldfinger0303 1700
Devonian 1725
Maucat 1817

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2101 replies
Day_rulr (982 D)
27 Feb 22 UTC
The Fall of USA
Here, as a reply, I will post a link to the new game for people who want to join it new, and for those specific people who were in the original before time expired

If you are in the next game and time runs out and not enough people joined, then I will make yet another one, and just return here to continue joining it if the pre-game time ever runs out again
4 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
20 Feb 22 UTC
Updated Variant - Mandate of Heaven v2.0: Comments and Criticism Wanted
Please take a look:
1 reply
David Hood (976 D)
19 Feb 22 UTC
February 2022 Deadline News is out!
The latest episode of my Deadline News show on the Diplomacy Broadcast Network just dropped - the Feb 2022 edition includes a panel discussion about throwing solos, a preview of the DBN Invitational, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
Lavitch (989 D)
01 Feb 22 UTC
Switch places 2 units?
Here are my moves:(game asd)
◦ The fleet at Spain {Spa} (West Coast) move to Gibraltar {Gib}. (fail)
◦ The army at Gibraltar {Gib} move to Spain {Spa}. (fail)
Thanks for your answer.
3 replies
Flame (1073 D)
23 Jan 22 UTC
Final map test
Please enter for final 1908 variant map test!

Game is unrated. Just gunboat mode for a quick test!
3 replies
chy (2139 D)
08 Dec 21 UTC
Rule confirmation
Will the game go to X-way draw if X players vote draw and all other players vote concede, where X is a positive integer greater than 1?
18 replies
Malarky (1000 D)
30 Jan 22 UTC
I'm looking for contributors to #2. Deadline for contributions is 30 April 2022.
I was thinking vDip would be a rich resource for variant articles :)
0 replies
axelou (1000 D)
29 Jan 22 UTC
axelou is here
Hi, I'm here. How to play ?
2 replies
David Hood (976 D)
21 Jan 22 UTC
January 2022 Deadline News from DBN
Newest Deadline News is out - including interviews with Siobhan Nolen and Eber Condrell, a throwdown debate about which site is best between partisans of WebDip, PlayDip and Conspiracy, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
1 reply
On the subject of inverted time continuum simulation in Diplomacy
That said, the arguments in favour of this idea are the followings;
Predisposition of the game and its written orders to manipulate in-game moves history,
Presence of a game master that can keep orders written for the future secret,
Sheer coolness of doing such a thing
8 replies
epstein (1031 D)
14 Nov 21 UTC
Advertise Your Live Games Here!
I am providing this space to the community, free of charge, in case you would like to advertise an upcoming live game!

Or an older live game!
5 replies
Relax™ (1370 D)
28 Dec 21 UTC
Xbox live
anyone on xbox?
i got a 2 month subscription reward from discord. anyone want it?
8 replies
Zebulon Zirbou (1082 D)
31 Dec 21 UTC
Assemblée Générale 2022 de l’AFJD
Cher joueur de Diplomacy,
2 replies
Requirements to moderate game?
Is it 25 games and a minimum RR of 97? Thanks!
17 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 Dec 21 UTC
A comment on common courtesy
Stuff happens in life and people occasionally need help from Mods to exit games without destroying the games for other players. Players who need Mods to remove them and delay games should provide a list of all of their games to the Mods. This is common courtesy.
7 replies
David Hood (976 D)
11 Dec 21 UTC
December 2021 Deadline News is out!
Featuring interviews, news headlines, and a panel discussion about balance of power considerations in Diplomacy:
0 replies
User tag
Hey y'all, I made this account a while ago, and, am no longer vibing with my choice of name. Is there a way to change it without deleting this one and making a new account?
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
06 Dec 21 UTC
Gunboat support? Sticky Keys is filled with cheaters?

In this game Britain has supported Russia on Autumn 1941 and convoyed France the turn before. This is a No Messaging game. Are they teaming?
1 reply
Twilight Struggle & Imperial Board Game
I'm interested in one/both of these board games. I'm very curious to hear opinions about these from DIP players.
4 replies
User tag
Hey y'all, I made this account a while ago, and, am no longer vibing with my choice of name. Is there a way to change it without deleting this one and making a new account?
1 reply
Jetam (737 D)
03 Dec 21 UTC
Developing a new map
How to digitalize my own diplomacy map? It works on paper and I would like to share it with Y'all
6 replies
CrimiClown (969 D)
02 Dec 21 UTC
Cannot post to modforum
Has anyone had this issue? I cannot post on the modforum to unpause some games for us.
3 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
15 Nov 21 UTC
Error message when trying to open my games
Error triggered: assert(): Calling assert() with a string argument is deprecated.

79 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
28 Nov 21 UTC
A Sad Anniversary Today.
One full year.

2 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
28 Nov 21 UTC
A Sad Anniversary Today.
One full year.

0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
14 Nov 21 UTC
Question for Alternative History nerds
In January of 1920, when Kolchak resigned in favor of Semyonov, a Japanese puppet, what would have happened if the Japanese had gotten Semyonov's Buryat puppet state to roll up the Trans-Siberian Railroad as they withdrew from Omsk?
11 replies
epstein (1031 D)
14 Nov 21 UTC
Advertise Your Used Car Here!
Want to sell a used car? I didn't see a thread dedicated to that so I thought that I'd set one up. Kind of helpful, aren't I?
1 reply
David Hood (976 D)
12 Nov 21 UTC
November 2021 Deadline News is out!
This latest edition on the Diplomacy Broadcast Network includes tournament news, other headlines, and a panel discussion about the use of a Top Board format in a Diplomacy event:
0 replies
Malarky (1000 D)
03 Oct 21 UTC
A new Dipzine?
I posted this on webDip (and elsewhere) but then thought I should probably post here, too.
I'm looking to launch a new Dipzine called "Notes on a Napkin."
If you've anything you want to contribute to issue #1 drop me a line at Go on - give it a go!
7 replies
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