A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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mfontecilla (1100 D)
23 Aug 18 UTC
"An invalid aniti-script code was given, please try again"?
A friend of mine is trying to create an account and he is receiving "An invalid anti-script code was given, please try again" text, how do we fix it?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
21 Aug 18 UTC
Pick up a game as the world leader
Someone really should pick up Pennsylvania in this one: He's only the world leader on the map - talk about picking up a nice CD position.
4 replies
tassa (2177 D)
18 Aug 18 UTC
Interactive Map - Memory-easting Monster
Is it possible that the interactive map doesn't handle big maps well once you have a certain amount of units?
2 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
18 Aug 18 UTC
Sitter needed
I am traveling from August 20th to 30th and it turned out that my initially planned sitter takes part in one game, as well. Now I need your help to manage that game.
2 replies
d-ice (1969 D)
17 Aug 18 UTC
FoW padlocks
FoW variant has padlocks on all powers that have orders to give. This gives other players information about who has a retreat/build etc. I propose that these are removed so that this information isn’t revealed.
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Aug 18 UTC
Quick Rules Question
In Classic, I am confident if an army in Portugal Attacks Spain while an Army in Spain attacks Portugal, both will fail. Would this rule still apply if the it were instead a fleet on the northern coast attacking Portugal and a fleet in Portugal moving to the southern coast?

Random Game link for Anon: gameID=35642
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Docsy (981 D)
13 Aug 18 UTC
Our game bugged out, and mods are looking at it. What do we do and what will happen?
So basically, We were playing World War IV 6.2. It was the first time we got our community of players, both on a subreddit and a discord, to play a big 36 player game. Didn't start 100% the best the first year, some players didn't get the rules and ended up starting with 2 units instead of 3.
7 replies
Strider (1604 D)
09 Aug 18 UTC
Civil Disorders listed at bottom of game
I have a game that is telling me the country, it's size and who is CDing. Why is that a thing now? It's gunboat, fog of war and anonymous!
21 replies
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
10 Aug 18 UTC
Forum etiquette
Let’s have a discussion here about what sort of forum we would like to see here at vDip. Please no name calling. Now would be a good time to un-mute members so we can have an informed discussion about this issue.
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WOT = meaningless jibber jabber. One player repeatedly posts WOT. Chumbles makes spot on joke to prove his point about WOT and the player. Player responds that he is spamming neither seeing the irony that he, himself, has spammed at least twice in this thread via WOT and by getting off topic. Could player in question try to A) get stick out of his butt long enough to see the brilliant humor in the Shrek joke, and B) stop being so pretentious and self-righteous and arrogant so he might realize he is part of the problem?

Enriador - my minister has often said that if someone has a problem with numerous people and those people don't have problems with anyone else, the problem isn't in the other people. It is within the original person. Stop being part of the problem and be part of the solution.
Chumbles - +∞ for the Shrek reference. Only B5, LotR, and Princess Bride references top Shrek (although Blues Brothers, and Indiana Jones come close).
Here is my suggestion. For the sake of those of us who couldn't care less about Enriador's numerous additional variations on a variant and his Neverending quest for praise and ego stroking, let's breate a thread where he can post WOT hoping for ego stroking agreement all he wants and the rest of us who are sick of his numerous threads can mute it and not clog up the forum.
Or the forum could be tweaked to limit the number of new threads a player can create per day and per week. Like two in 24 hours and 3 in a rolling week.
Enriador (1507 D)
12 Aug 18 UTC
I found it devoid of argumentation or logic and far from a significant addition to the thread, but of course, that depends on one's point of view - take your wisdom from where you wish. ;)
Ah. So you don't grep subtext and irony.
Chumbles (1380 D)
12 Aug 18 UTC
Apparently, my reasonably harmless joke has so annoyed the WOTmaster, he has muzzled me!
ubercacher16 (2160 D)
12 Aug 18 UTC
Plus ones to both YouCan't and Chumbles, they said it better then I could.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
12 Aug 18 UTC
"If you run into an asshole in the morning, then you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." Raylan Givens
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
13 Aug 18 UTC
Gents - just a reminder about the forum topic, it would achieve more if we were to stick to it rather than being derailed into the sticky subject of a finely (or not so finely) crafted insult.
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
13 Aug 18 UTC
Some talking points:

1) just about the only thing we as a community tend to moderate is the kindly reminder to members to post new game advertisements in the appropriate thread. Should we continue this practice?

2) what about the occasional political thread? No problems?

3) at what point to people think moderators should step in and silence a thread?
Enriador (1507 D)
13 Aug 18 UTC
1) I think so, otherwise the thread spam would be massive without any regulation. The current compromise is quite effective anyway.

There might be a case for Live games with limited time for joining to have their own thread as well.

2) Not a fan of those for similar reasons - may end up in a webDip-like spam that clutters the forum and hides away discussion *about the game*. Maybe a single political thread? In any case, I don't think this community's culture makes it a big problem to begin with - not many political threads running around.

3) I wouldn't support silencing derailed threads because whether a thread has or has not been "derailed" is a touchy matter - it's hard to have a clear mark.

Besides, sometimes the "new topic" evolves naturally from another matter. For example, a thread about proposing a new scoring system may end up with a discussion about scoring systems as a whole. Is it that bad? I don't think so.

The "point" for moderators to step in is already well-defined in Notably, Responsability #1 and Rule #8 (among others) - directly related to forum threads.
Chumbles (1380 D)
13 Aug 18 UTC
I political stuff in here ... I go elsewhere for that. I agree with the WOTmaster on that... ლ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ლ (waving.. he's muted me). I can't remember his username, ?JamesUK or some such who used to drive most of us batty with his SWP rhetoric. Friends should avoid discussing money or politics...
ubercacher16 (2160 D)
13 Aug 18 UTC
1. Yes, keep doing that.

2. I personally don't have a problem with that. Although I do agree with Chumbles, friends should usually avoid talking about politics.

3. Not really sure about this. You are the Mods, you decide when it's appropriate to do that.
Frozen Dog (1523 D)
13 Aug 18 UTC
I totally get the desire to have a Diplomacy-focused forum where everyone is polite, etc etc. The problem with hard rules on etiquette is that it's pretty tough to codify. This is problem across all forums.

Some things are (relatively) easy to codify- "no racist comments" "no personal attacks" but its a bit harder to precisely define when someone is being an asshole.

If you want a less freewheeling forum, that means more mods being more aggressive in moderation using some version of the Potter Stewart test...

If that's what people want, I think we have to be prepared for *more* controversy, not less, and more time needed from our wonderful and kind Mod overlords. :)
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
13 Aug 18 UTC
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
14 Aug 18 UTC
"1) just about the only thing we as a community tend to moderate is the kindly reminder to members to post new game advertisements in the appropriate thread. Should we continue this practice?"

Yes. This keeps the forums functional and from getting too cluttered. Honestly the real answer to this is a main menu page which allows the first view of the page to browse topics in a table of contents of general categories, rather than a last posted appears first set up. This is a huge problem with spambots. Or is it spamWOTS?

2) what about the occasional political thread? No problems?

Remarkably we have been pretty good at self-policing this. Politics only rarely pops up here, and that's a good thing. If it becomes an disruptive issue, then weigh in. The rare post on politics we see now doesn't seem to be a problem.

3) at what point to people think moderators should step in and silence a thread?

I hink the between Kaner, Doc,Leif, and Gopher, you guys can figure this out. In my opinion you probably allow a little too much drama to go on. In general I would submit that when a discussion has completely lost it's constructive value from the discussion deteriorating to an unproductive rant war. Heated debate can be valuable, but when the insults outnumber points relative to the gaming environment here, it's time to shut a thread down. This would help users understand what limits should be observed.
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
14 Aug 18 UTC
@Enriador, kaner406 asked people to unmute each other to have a discussion about forum moderation. If you continue to ignore that request then please avoid further contributions to this thread. I feel it is important that all involved parties respect that request.
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Aug 18 UTC
There is a lot to weigh in on, so to respect Those who would prefer to not read my WOT, I will include a TL;DR at the end.

1) RE: New Game thread- I must echo every other person in that the current system works very well (live games get special placement, non-live games have a designated thread) and I’d like it to stay.

2a) I find it odd that you singled out Poltical threads, since in my tenure they have been many of the most well behaved discussion (nothing compared to the vitriol the “WTA v PPSC” debate conjures), and, while I know I am in the minority on this, the reason I use this site and not one of the many others is the Community. The discussions about politics or history of world perspective are why I keep coming back to this site. Please don’t take that away.

2b) I think a designated “Workshop” thread for New Variant announcements/discussions is a great idea. I greatly appreciate Enriador’s work and can’t wait to play many of the things he has coming up. Having all of that info in one place (rather than digging through forum history) would be an incredible benefit to me. If someone would like to mute it, that is their loss.

3) We should all be reminded of the rules and responsibilities of the site, particularly the need to be respectful to each other, but topics drifting should not be reason for Moderator action. I appreciate the amount of freedom that we are afforded here, and I greatly appreciate the hands off approach the Mods currently have (also all of the Mods have done a wonderful job of addressing difficult issues and they have my utmost gratitude.) I assume we can report thread conversations that we consider to be disrespectful to the Mods, and, if they consider it appropriate, can issue a cautionary warning or pursue disciplinary action (silence/freeze). I bring this up because this is what I consider to be the best process (with emphasis on the warnings) and it is already in place. This is (essentially) what happened here: a perfectly legitimate conversation got out of hand, warnings were issued, and the conversation was halted until a later date.

I love this community, and despite a great many minor issues we may have, we handle them very well. Thank you to everyone for usually making this a great place to frequent.

- Everything is great.
- The Game Forum works perfect. Change nothing.
- Political Threads aren’t a problem (currently).
- I think adding a “Workshop” thread is a good idea so that it is easier to keep up to date with new additions.
- Don’t kill threads for being off topic.
- Warn people that they are being disrespectful.
- Mods: keep up the great work!
Chumbles (1380 D)
14 Aug 18 UTC
Thanks for the precis, Caerus, but can you put it first? Great idea, though and generally agree with all those, but in the detail, I still maintain that politics here is valid only in exception or where it relates to a game. If you're going to have a “Workshop” why not adopt Ruffhaus' main menu idea?
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Aug 18 UTC
Ah, I thought someone had suggested that. In short, chumbles, because I don’t like it. I think it will lead to less participation in the forum, and, as Retillion pointed out, it isn’t very active to begin with.

Regarding politics, sure; I don’t currently see an issue as it currently is, thanks in-part to the format of our forum. If something falls out of public discord for a few days, that thread effectively dead. I think, during the last USA election, we only had (at most) two at any one time, so don’t believe it is a major issue currently.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
14 Aug 18 UTC
You have to consider though, that People who Play diplomacy tend to be interested in politics and history, as well as they are generally motivitated to discuss any issues. I therefore don't think that These Topics aren't valid, but rather that they come with the hobby.
Enriador (1507 D)
14 Aug 18 UTC

I am not obliged to unmute people who, from my perspective, were either insulting or made remarks on my personal life. I did unmute those who simply made off-topic comments elsewhere, and we already respectfully exchanged points of view.

I am also entitled to engage in forum discussions as long as I respect all the Responsabilities and Rules this website has. I also happen to have said everything I had in mind already so my contributions here probably won't be necessary.

And since we are talking about moderators' actions, perhaps you should consider making a *particular* request to a *single* user (in this case, myself) through the Private Messages system rather than make yet another cluttering comment that has little connection with the topic.

Ah, and I agree with @God's argument. Allan Calhamer himself was a huge fan of history and published articles on WW1, and how it influenced Diplomacy. If the creator enjoyed the occasional historical discussion, why can't we? ;)
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Aug 18 UTC
Tangent: Would you prefer shortened summaries at the beginning or end of the text? I am conditioned by reddit to add them at the end, but I can adjust accordingly.
Chumbles (1380 D)
14 Aug 18 UTC
For me Caerus, at the beginning, please; I can then decide if I will WOT mine...

Is it wrong to find the juxtaposing of: @God's argument; Allan Calhamer himself; and "If the creator enjoyed the occasional historical discussion, why can't we? ;)" funny... after all, in some people's eyes, God created history - I somehow think it's not open to discussion.

I proffer this as an example of something the Mods must be left to judge; is it acceptable humour or maybe insult dressed in the jester's clothes? I might be interested in the WOTmaster General's views if he could cease making pronoucements on the creator's views. Because I love the game doesn't mean I should be obliged to receive the designer;s words as Holy Writ...

Bosox, Bosox, why hast thou forsaken me in my hour of need?
Oh God! You called upon him whose name must never be uttered, Chumbles! When B*s*x destroys the Dipverse, just remember whose to blame.

56 replies
Skyrock (1149 D)
03 Jun 18 UTC
Thoughts on fixing the Classic - Economic variant
See main post below.
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badivan1 (1661 D)
11 Aug 18 UTC
badivan1 new games thread
looking for opponents for the following 1v1 maps:
Fall of the American Empire: Civil War! : ;
Cold War :
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CptMike (1575 D)
11 Aug 18 UTC
Cold war map
I have a interface problem...
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
07 Aug 18 UTC
La Resistance
Has anybody noticed the behavior of Enriador recently? He seems to be rejecting and muting anyone with conflicting ideas. (See Classic Redrawn)
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GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
04 Aug 18 UTC
Live Messaging
A friend of mine and me would like to play a game of diplomacy where all player connect on Facebook or WhatsApp to communicate. We would set up a gunboat game here and then it's a regular game, just by different means of communication. Anyone interested?
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Enriador (1507 D)
16 May 18 UTC
Classic Redrawn
I got bothered with some of the historical inaccuracies of the Classic map - like French Corsica being painted Italian green - so I went on and redrawed the entire map.
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CptMike (1575 D)
02 Aug 18 UTC
Live 1v1 - Fall the American Empire: Civil War

Is somebody interesed in playing a live (10' / phase ) on this map :
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Flame (1073 D)
29 Jul 18 UTC
Territory Diagram
I wonder why VDip is not using Territory Diagram to reveal the dinamics of territory occupation in time. Now it's working rather good. But for maps with neutrals it still has several bugs. We use this module on Diplomail. Please check:
5 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
04 Apr 18 UTC
'Edwardian' - A new variant
Greetings diplomats.

I present you @VaeVictis's 'Edwardian' - an upcoming jewel to vDiplomacy's glorious crown. 'Edwardian' is set in 1901, the start of the Edwardian Era, and represents the intrigue and tension of the period with a level of elegance and detail never seen before
44 replies
polaris (1137 D)
28 Jul 18 UTC
Known World 901 question re rebuilt armies
The variant page says that "This map is build anywhere and has neutral standing armies that disband when dislodged, but will be rebuild if the relevant Home Supply Center is vacant and unowned during the build-phase in autumn." but looking at completed games, I don't see the standing armies getting rebuilt. Does this mean I need to always occupy my own SCs in the fall or else they turn back into neutral standing armies? Can someone explain this to me?
4 replies
Flame (1073 D)
23 Jul 18 UTC
1898 - Civilization in Diplomacy
Variant "1898" by Randy Davis is very cool. One unit for each power at the start on the classic board.
It's already avaliable to play... but...
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Flame (1073 D)
21 Jul 18 UTC
Mistake in Known World 901 variant
In "Known World 901" we have Principality of Kiev (short - Russia). But it's a mistake which I have fixed when I did the php-adaptation to Western Known World 901 variant. The power must be called as Kievan Rus (short - Rus). It's not Russia at all. So it must be also fixed in Known World 901 variant I think.
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JECE (1534 D)
20 Jul 18 UTC
The variant page is down. This is what I get:
Error triggered: A software exception was not caught: "syntax error, unexpected ''Ghana'' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION)".
4 replies
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
10 Mar 18 UTC
Bourse 2018
See below:
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
09 Jul 18 UTC
You can now access the server via https...
So friends in the same network can no longer spy on your network-traffic here to gain an advantage over you... :-)
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Penguin_XX7 (1309 D)
14 Jul 18 UTC
Sitters for four games.
I need game sitters for 3 Gunboat games and one full press until July 24th. Please PM me.
1 reply
Thanks to the winning thread, I lost The Game...
...and now you have too.

The perfect thread for all of us losers to post when we've lost. There can be no winners here.
7 replies
Strider (1604 D)
09 Jul 18 UTC
Preview in fog of war
Why can't you preview your moves in fog of war? I understand that some features might need to be turned off for fog to work but it this required or just an acident.
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Antiloquax (1287 D)
23 Jun 18 UTC
Why is the red box attacking me?
The red box on games with no saved moves is stressing me out! I have 2 days. What's the emergency?
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Retillion (2304 D (B))
10 Jul 18 UTC
A thick and ugly blue box
Please read below.
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Enriador (1507 D)
22 May 18 UTC
New Variants (yup, plural!)
Four new variants, based on Classic, will be coming to vDip!

Some of these were directly taken from the DP Judge. Others were lost in the Variant Bank for a long while.
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