A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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TomTom (776 D X)
18 Jun 13 UTC

Can you guess the PW??
Ans : CanYouGuessThePassWord
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
23 Apr 13 UTC
VDip Players Map!
I think they have one of these for WebDip, so I figured I might as well make one for VDip too. Post on this thread or send me a PM with your location (no need to be precise with this - you can just give a nearby city if you want to) and I'll add you to the map. - This link is also on my profile page, so it can still be found when this thread dies.
120 replies
Amwidkle (1351 D)
17 Jun 13 UTC
Question about Civil Disorder rules
Confused about CD rules...
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brainbomb (662 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Westeros Diplomacy??

Is there no mod for westeros? seems like this is a no brainer. you could easily make it a 12 faction mod.

starks, lannisters, tully, renly baratheon, aaryn, greyjoy, targaryen, the others, wildlings, joffrey, stannis, and throw in house frey.
29 replies
Rock Stone (1054 D)
16 Jun 13 UTC
Hello. Just signed up because I wanted to ask some questions.

What are the differences between vDip and webDip? Why do they look so similar? Was there a schism somewhere along the way? Are they two separate sites; can I have an account at each? Opinions of webDip?
5 replies
drwiggles (1582 D)
15 Jun 13 UTC
EOG: Dirt Nasty
This was one of the most irritating games I have ever played. I was Spain. I posted a thread a few weeks back about being aware of SCs needed to win. This was the reason.
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Joszua (996 D)
12 Jun 13 UTC
Open Known World 901, PPSC
Bet is 15, everyone is welcome. Game is a choose your country game.
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LakersFan (1373 D)
08 Jun 13 UTC
Haven gameID=14702
gameID=14702 Haven 8 pt buy-in. Non-anon.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Jun 13 UTC
Ignorance among basketball fans
Are you like me and had people describe the NBA Finals to you as the "old" Spurs against the "young" heat? There are exactly three players on the Heat's 15 player roster who are younger than the mean age of the Spurs 15 man roster. The median aged Spur is Tiago Splitter. For the Heat it is Udonis Halam. Five year age difference for those of you scoring at home.
7 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
13 Jun 13 UTC
First Crusade Diplomacy!
Hello everyone, I've been developing another (very different) variant on the lab. This one is Europe during the First Crusade. I'm starting my first test game so I need 6 others to join. The link is here
Tell me what you think and join up!
6 replies
davicivad (899 D)
12 Jun 13 UTC
Bug in Lamborghini Anarchy in the UK,
In Autumm, 2011. there has been a mistake because Greater Manchester chesride hold support, and even so, chesride, disloged
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
10 May 13 UTC
PPSC – WTA : THE setting
This thread is intended to clarify the use of a fundamental setting of Webdiplomacy & V-Dipolmacy gaming: the pot-type.

Apparently the distinction between Point Per Supply Center and Winner Takes All is not widely clear or widely accepted.
128 replies
Saiteron (1009 D)
11 Jun 13 UTC
in dire need of new Germany for last-ditch effort in Youngstown

here's the game url. Germany is crippled, but your entry could turn the tide... not gonna tell you which side to pick, but I think it'll be clear what choice must be made. good luck.
0 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
10 Jun 13 UTC
Hot topic of the day?
01101000 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 01110000 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01111001 00100000 01100111 01101111 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101
8 replies
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jun 13 UTC
recipe challenge!
Stemming from the recent thread re: cooking recipes, I came up with an idea for a game. This is directed particularly at Guaroz, mainly because he expressed interest in the culinary arts, and hails from Italy; however, the offer is there for anyone else who might be interested. Please read below.
4 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
New Variants on WebDip...
Yep, they're taking our stuff...
Shep315 (1435 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
they have variants now? I thought most of those guys were scared of those lol
Halt (2077 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
modern 2 and fall of the american empire were the variants. Quite surprisingly, they are reacting positively when they seem to hate variants in general
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
Hmm, interesting move for them to make their site slowly move towards ours... xD Like Halt said, I think it is hilarious they cry blasphemy to the idea of variants being played there and have just added two, saying they are great additions.
Rancher (1207 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
y'know, I really haven't even seen talk in the forums there about this, just noticed that the variants now exist and people are playing
Halt (2077 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
I don't think that they are slowly moving their site to ours. They are only bringing in variants which are well balanced (using Classic as their standard). That said, a map like Rinascimento or Imperial Dip probably will never be accepted into WebDip.

Besides, Vdip is sort of like a testing ground of sorts. We get to try out all the new toys that the mods develop. (i.e. ordering with mouse clicks, elo-algorithm rating, arrangement of units feature etc,). In a sense, we are to webdip, what vdip.lab is to us.
TheWorst (1023 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
Colonial Diplomacy is a pretty good variant they should try out... Other than that, I'm not sure what other map right now is balanced enough.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
It looks like that pattern holds true as well:

As soon as a new variant is added there is a HUGE proportion of new games being made as Gunboat.
Halt (2077 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
yeah, I'm actually excited at playing Modern gunboat, since we don't play gunboats here in Vdip.
President Eden (1588 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
lol @ modern and colonial being balanced
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
TW, if you start a Colonial and you pick up China, I'll be the first one who will join your game! :)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
The main problem with Colonial is that the Railway rule hasn't been implemented yet.
Halt (2077 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
Russia doesn't really have that difficult a time in Colonial though. It's China that usually gets torn to bits
TheWorst (1023 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
It's funny you say that, Guaroz... ;)
Anyway, I don't think China is any worse than France in Modern Diplomacy. You don't have a country you can't ally with, unlike France and Spain where they are inevitable enemies.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
Yea, we could add this suggestion to Colonial Variant Page:
"Tip for China: You don't have a country you can't ally with, so ally with someone and do better than previous China-players!" :D Just joking.
TW, yes, in Modern F-S alliance might not be the most easy, but it's much more easy than... have you ever seen, in a Classic, a good A-T alliance rolling over the Board? I did.
Anyway, about're right. France:Modern=China:Colonial.

Retillion (2304 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
I also find that France has a weak position in the Modern Diplomacy II variant.
It seems to me that the cause of that situation is the fact that Bordeaux is a Supply Center instead of Brest.
Does anyone know why the variant whas designed that way ? Has this question already been discussed ?

I am VERY interested by that question because I am working right now on a new 15-player variant which is based on the Modern Diplomacy II variant.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
Correction : why the variant *was* designed...
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
Hi Ret, happy to hear you're working on a new variant, looking forward to it.
May I be so bald and make you notice that we miss 14 and 16 players variants? Just in case for some reason you were thinking to add or take out a Country. You'd have one more reason. :)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
*bold. lol.
TheWorst (1023 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
Honestly it's probably because Bordeaux is in reality much more relevant than Brest/Brittany is now, so it's probably for accuracy.
I do agree that it makes France much weaker though. It's funny how not even Monaco can help it out...
A way to fix it might be to make the Alsace split into the Alsace and Lorraine, or Alsace and Burgundy like in Europe 1939. It would look messier, but it'd work.
Or even taking out Bordeaux, and putting Nantes into Brittany's/Brest's place. That could work, even though it's not really a port city.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
@ Guaroz :

Thank you for the idea ! I will certainly not remove one country but I will think about adding one more, although it seems rather difficult without changing a lot of things in the variant.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
@ The Worst :

Thank you for your answer but what you wrote is wrong :

1° Brest is the second military port in France after Toulon.

2° Nantes, which is geographically included in the Modern Diplomacy II Coast Zone called "Brest", has been a very important sea port for centuries ! Today, the port of Nantes has a traffic of 3 millions of tons of merchandise per year ! And the "Grand port maritime de Nantes-Saint-Nazaire" (the "Great sea port of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire") has a traffic of 33 millions of tons of merchandise per year !

-> Nantes is a port city !

-> "Accuracy" requires that Brest is a SC and not Bordeaux !
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
Actually there is a visual error in Modern II (picked up on webdip) and this is that Brittany is named as Brest in the largeMap.
TheWorst (1023 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
Perhaps more accurately I should've said in terms of population, as the variant is very huge on that. The military part is irrelevant to the population since this variant likes to focus on pop as is apparent by the description.
that's why I suggested Nantes, as it's bigger in terms of pop than Bordeaux.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
@ kaner406 :

Thank you for your remark. I do know that "Brest" is the same space than "Brittany" : the names change from one map to another one.

My question please stays : for game balance purposes, shouldn't there be a SC in Brest (which is called "Brittany" on the small map) instead of in Bordeaux ?
Halt (2077 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
I can't really say if it balances the map more. However, shifting the center to Brest/Brittany will strengthen France only in the sense that England won't have free reign over the Channel. However, it weakens France from making a crack at Spain since if France moves to Bay of Biscay early on, Channel can threaten a French center, something that normally doesn't happen. The Channel's strategic importance increases several notches up as a result.

As far as I can see, it gives France more options, but leaves him more vulnerable as opposed to having it in Bordeaux. I'd say the pros and cons balance each other out, but that's just me.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
Bordeaux was chosen as the France SC for reasons of playability rather than historical or logistic accuracy. The Modern Diplomacy variant has been around for over 20 years, and has been play tested thousands of times. That doesn't mean that it's perfect, and the Bordeaux situation does hamstring France a little bit, and it's not particularly an accurate representation of France's 'modern' military and economic makeup. With that said to simply swap the SC location from Bordeaux to Brittany has consequences that are not being considered. Giving France a starting position in Brittany without modifying the ocean territories puts England at a terrible disadvantage, and it gives Spain no reason to negotiate over Portugal. You cannot just make these changes in a vacuum without considering the dynamics of what else is going to become imbalanced. It's not like this map was just cooked up three months ago and designed without any consideration to this, or without significant play testing.

The reality is that France is not the weak sister of the Modern board any more than Egypt is on the WW4 map, or for that matter any more than China is in Colonial. Both of those positions are actually anything but weak. France starts the Modern game with four supply centers, in a compact and highly defensible position with excellent alliance opportunities. Just because Bordeaux does not lead to a guaranteed neutral SC pickup does not make it an invaluable position. Modern is a build anywhere map, and the ability to build both fleets and armies at the tip of Iberia is powerful.

Modern's biggest weakness lies not with the odd logistical geographic of France, but with the other side of the map where there is no ability to move fleets north and south. This creates a serious of essentially premade alliances because military progress moving from the Mediterranean Sea to the Baltic Sea or North Atlantic is next to impossible. The solution for this was the insertion of the "wing" unit. Wing units were added to a third version of Modern, which does not appear in the Dip Pouch any longer, but they were widely recognized as making the map much engaging and fun to play.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
Wing units could move one space per turn across land and sea territories, attack and support, but the could NOT occupy (capture) supply centers. They can blockade/bombade supply centers, denying the resources temporarily to the owning power though. Some variations of wing rules allowed for airlifts (convoys) between a string of wing units. While the wings are very powerful because of their mobility, their inability to capture supply centers also limits their power, and makes them more of a luxury unit. If you build to many wings, it's difficult to capture centers.

Inserting the wing unit into Modern opens up the entire board, and provides for an exciting change of place to the game.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
07 Jun 13 UTC
Thank you for your detailed answer, RUFFHAUS 8.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
07 Jun 13 UTC
PS: I fixed the naming for the largemap now.
Strange that it was unnoticed for so long...
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
Just jumped on the modern diplomacy wagon :P see you in game!
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
07 Jun 13 UTC
This might be the only time I've ever said this, but I agree with RUFFHAUS. The reason that Gibraltar is part of England is to give Spain another neighbor. One-neighbor countries don't have a lot of options, and moving a French SC away from Spain gives Spain more control locally. This would help out Spain much more than France, and it might even hurt England.
Philcore (968 D)
08 Jun 13 UTC
Stop thinking "us" vs "them". There are a lot of good things about both sites, which is why many if us play on both. I've been a member of webdip for.longer than this site has even been around, but I joined here because of the variants, and have stayed here because of the people.
TheWorst (1023 D)
09 Jun 13 UTC
Playing a game, you know what webdiplom needs?
Server side stored orders. So many times has that saved me from misorders recently, so it's awesome to have as a fail-safe. It'd be very helpful for new players as well who aren't familiar with the new maps.
airborne (970 D)
09 Jun 13 UTC
Long ago in a forum far away I said that a possible change that could be made was this.
A) Borduex is a terrible port
B) Only Mon is a lock
C) Britain has little fear from France because of Bord and France can't capitalize on British weakness as well as standard
D) Spain is a backdoor neighbor that almost always comes into conflict with France
Possible Revisions?
A) Add Andorra as a SC that connects to Bord, Nav, Auv, and Bar
B) Move Bord SC back to Brest
C) Add Algeria as an SC
I never play tested it so I don't know how effective it would be.

34 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
04 Jun 13 UTC
Good home cooking
Hey guys, I am running out of good recepies, I want to expand my cooking horizons...any good meals you've eaten lately and care to reveal?

21 replies
fairleym (955 D)
06 Jun 13 UTC
Need an account sitter 6/10-6/18
I am leaving for my honeymoon on Monday and have recently learned I will have no internet connectivity while I'm gone. I currently have 5 open games: Alcavre, Mystery Diplomacy, Celtic Britain, Indians of the Great Lakes and Colonial 1885 (though I expect Mystery Countries and possibly Celtic Britain to be resolved by monday).

If anyone will do me the favor I would appreciate it. I don't want to CD in my games and I have never missed a turn.
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
05 Jun 13 UTC
Another WW4 game going for any of those interested

4 replies
ksotello (966 D)
05 Jun 13 UTC
Been having some problems getting this game off the ground with Constant NMRs from new incoming players replacing others who CD'd.gameID=14120

1 reply
Stanee (1149 D)
04 Jun 13 UTC
New Colonial Map Game
I want to create a new game with the new Map Colonial 1885, but i cant find it in the variants when i create a new game? What is going on?
1 reply
About Rinascimento
About the Italian Rinascimento variant, it's one of my favorite variants and definitely one of the more meticulously made ones, but "Tyrrhenian Sea" is misspelled :/
0 replies
cteno4 (835 D)
02 Jun 13 UTC
Mystery Countries! (???)
Please join. It's on the standard WWI map, and there will be three countries randomly chosen as playable. Should prove interesting.
1 reply
tiger (1653 D)
31 May 13 UTC
tiger's team game
We need a replacement Brazil! gameID=13116
brazil is partnered with argentina (sendric).
anyone interested pm sendric userID=3445
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Jun 13 UTC
Order Processing Error (Ankara Crescent variant)
gameID=14376 Autumn 1903. Notice that three units (Sevastopol, Black Sea, and Wales) were simultaneously ordered to Armenia, none of them under support. The move from Wales succeeded; the others did not.

This should be considered an error and bug-checked in the Ankara Crescent variant.
3 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
31 May 13 UTC
Intermediate Support Rules
Can anyone please judge these support maneuvers so I know which numbered armies get dislodged and moved?

8 replies
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
31 May 13 UTC
Replacement Turkey Needed in WWIV game

Shame on you Tyran for leaving when the going got tough!
1 reply
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
24 May 13 UTC
Competitive Dip
On a suggestion from PE, I am interested in finding those people on this site who like to play competitive Diplomacy - the way it was first created. No pre-arranged draws, no unbreakable to win, just like the objective says.

So, who's interested?
60 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
30 May 13 UTC
Sitter(s) needed
i will be away during the next weekend, including friday, and i am afraid i wont be able to charge my smartphone or get internet access i have quite some games, it would be nice if two or three of you could take over for the time :)
1 reply
Retillion (2304 D (B))
02 May 13 UTC
Please, new request : units sorted by alphabetical order on the orders sheet.
I am playing my first Modern Diplomacy II game and I have had the HUGE pleasure to notice that my units are sorted by alphabetical order on the orders sheet !

It is so much easier and clearer to find my units that way ! Would it please be possible that units are sorted by alphabetical order on the orders sheet in every variant ?
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