A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
10 Mar 18 UTC
Bourse 2018
See below:
194 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
09 Jul 18 UTC
You can now access the server via https...
So friends in the same network can no longer spy on your network-traffic here to gain an advantage over you... :-)
9 replies
Penguin_XX7 (1309 D)
14 Jul 18 UTC
Sitters for four games.
I need game sitters for 3 Gunboat games and one full press until July 24th. Please PM me.
1 reply
Thanks to the winning thread, I lost The Game...
...and now you have too.

The perfect thread for all of us losers to post when we've lost. There can be no winners here.
7 replies
Strider (1604 D)
09 Jul 18 UTC
Preview in fog of war
Why can't you preview your moves in fog of war? I understand that some features might need to be turned off for fog to work but it this required or just an acident.
6 replies
Antiloquax (1287 D)
23 Jun 18 UTC
Why is the red box attacking me?
The red box on games with no saved moves is stressing me out! I have 2 days. What's the emergency?
23 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
10 Jul 18 UTC
A thick and ugly blue box
Please read below.
8 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
22 May 18 UTC
New Variants (yup, plural!)
Four new variants, based on Classic, will be coming to vDip!

Some of these were directly taken from the DP Judge. Others were lost in the Variant Bank for a long while.
28 replies
RVG1984 (1169 D)
09 Jul 18 UTC
How do they work?
15 replies
Anonymous Games
Anonymous Games grant liars a shelter to do there worst, making abusive and absurd offered and generally making me passionately hate this game, which can lead to NMRs . Having to be out there means you have to have honor, and enables revenge. I have seen allies pitch in by hopping from one neutral territory to yhe next in the name of their promises. This site seems to be for the childish.
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JECE - Please read what I wrote. I said it wasn't worth it and I was countering Chumble's assertion.

As far as his admitting it, read again.
"Having to be out there means you have to have honor, and enables revenge. "

No, logic states that for anon play to shield one from revenge that revenge must, by necessity, be in another game and, as names are revealed at the end of play, it must be another currently running game or a future anon game protecting the "liar" from revenge. Ergo it is meta.
JECE from the link you provided.

"Forbidden In-Site Metagaming:
You may not attack or ally with someone because of a specific relationship with that person (example: you are friends or enemies on the forum or in general on the site). Bringing in-site friendships or animosities into a game is not fair to the other people in the game. "

I would say taking revenge for lying in one game on to another is on-site metagaming. It's most definitely an on-site animosity which clearly violates this rule.

So your assertion is demonstrably false and fails prima facie.
Also a quote from that link that proves the OP is a little baby who doesn't know Jack about diplomacy.

"Lying is fine in Diplomacy"
JECE (1534 D)
10 Jul 18 UTC
"If you are worried about this type of metagaming it is recommended that you join anonymous games."

"Metagaming is using information from outside of the game to impact in game decisions. There are limited exceptions to this prohibition if everyone in the game has the same access to the information. For example, looking at another player's game records in a public game is okay because everyone in the game has completely equal access to those records."
Player A lies to Player B in a game. Only A and B have access to that info and B then uses it as a reason to attack A in another game. It violates both the section I quoted and the one you quoted. Ergo, it is illegal metagaming and the OP is whining about the anon games solution you quoted.

Honestly, the OP is a player easily preyed upon and whooped in a game and doesn't bother me. I'm strictly pointing out that his approach violates both the letter and the intent of the meta rules. Any one who claims it doesn't is being willfully ignorant.

JECE (1534 D)
10 Jul 18 UTC
Yay, now the insults are directed towards me too, ha ha.

Player B would likely have exploded in the public chat in the old game. Not to mention the likely change in game orders history that can be pointed too. Finally, if such a 'lie' is really just between A and B, then A could try lying again in the new game and misrepresent what actually happened. (After all, A is clearly the superior player in the art of Diplomacy and undoubtedly lied in such an expertly subtle manner as to make the truth indiscernible to an outside observer.)
Not an insult, an observation. And I want to point out that I stated a simple fact when I said he is in violation of the meta rules. I don't think anything actually needs to be done to the player in question unless it becomes blatant that he always attacks and destroys the game eliminating any pleasure his opponents might have gotten from it had it not been ruined.

I'm concerned though about what we encourage and Chumbles' backing the OP up with statements that validated this meta approach. We should not be encouraging metagaming.

98 replies
Flame (1073 D)
09 Jul 18 UTC
First Diplomacy game edition 1959
Who got the photo or scan of the first Diplomacy edition board (500 pieces), 1959? Please share to be used in an article.
7 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
18 Jun 18 UTC
Replace PPSC with something rank-based?
I've put together a length proposal over on PlayDip to provide a rank-based scoring system for draws that's similar to the Carnage system used in several North American Dip tournaments today.
103 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
07 Jul 18 UTC
[New Variant] Machiavelli - To the Renaissance
New (official) subvariant of Machiavelli coming up on vDip. Not a single case of adjacent home centers - praise be God!
0 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
25 Apr 18 UTC
New Variant: Crusades 1201
Hail diplomats,

New 11-players variant coming up, set in the High Middle Ages.
44 replies
gremlin (994 D)
02 Jul 18 UTC
New Variants
Just curious, what is the process for creating new variants?
1 reply
WiJaMa (1228 D)
26 Jun 18 UTC
Looking for game sitters
I'm looking for a game sitter for three games while I'm out from 1 Jul to 22 Jul. PM me for details.

Also, is there supposed to be a thread for these? I can't find it but the help page says there is one.
2 replies
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
25 Jun 18 UTC
Strategy - Hold Order
See First Post
16 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
12 Jun 18 UTC
At long last: 1900
With some help from Tobias & Oliver, my implementation of Baron VonPowell's "1900" is finally live.

64 replies
Matthew Goldman (965 D)
27 Jun 18 UTC
Looking for someone to take over my country (Not in a bad position)
Currently 13/35 countries remain and my country, Brazil, is in 8th place after some set backs with NMRs. Currently allied with the 2nd place country, Argentina, as a fight between the two of us will ultimately be the doom of our existence. Argentina has said that a substitute will not charge the alliance between our two countries.

Reply if interested in taking over.
3 replies
RVG1984 (1169 D)
21 Jun 18 UTC
convert fleet to army
How do I convert a fleet to an army and the other way? I see people do it, but don't see the option on the dropdowns.
12 replies
WaitingCynicism (903 D)
20 Jun 18 UTC
Notifications by email?
Is there a way I can get email notifications for my campaigns? I haven't gotten any at all, and because of that I've lost several games.
4 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
17 Jun 18 UTC
Padlock City
What's the deal with all the padlocks that have appeared throughout my games when viewed on the vDip homepage?
57 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
27 Oct 17 UTC
1066 Tournament
As discussed in episode 23 of the Diplomacy Games podcast I'm thinking of putting together a 1066 tournament. Interested takers?
143 replies
Anon (?? D)
16 Jun 18 UTC
Would anyone like to join a Known World game?
0 replies
Frozen Dog (1472 D)
14 Jun 18 UTC
Playtest of variant
Hi! I am trying to organize a playtest of a variant I created with some unique rules that made it not possible to implement on vdiplomacy (yet!). I have called it 'Feudal Diplomacy'. [See below for details!]
3 replies
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
12 Jun 18 UTC
Possible Change
See first post
10 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
12 Jun 18 UTC
Game Showcase
Here, feel free to share any links to games that are notable to you!
10 replies
CCR (1957 D)
13 Jun 18 UTC
Zero games variants
I thought I'd create a few games of the newest variants, and looked for those still not played, without opened games, or no new ones yet.
2 replies
Mittag (1396 D)
09 Jun 18 UTC
Does anyone know any good adjudicator, online of for Mac, that I could use for playing around with positions?
7 replies
Caerus (1470 D)
04 Jun 18 UTC
Clock Watching - Sniping the NMRs
I am unaware of the actual term, but is it considered bad form here on vDip to change your orders in anticipation of an opponent's upcoming NMR?
36 replies
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