Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for jenji_k (934 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
26797 Dartmouth Diplomacy: Cartel Combat SouthAmerica5 Survived -21 979
26888 Dartmouth Diplomacy - Egypt's Revenge AncMed Survived -1 978
26921 Dartmouth Diplomacy - Return of the Desert Fox? WWII Drawn 0 978
27142 Dartmouth Diplomacy: Only Three Channels? TenSixtySix_V3 Survived 0 978
27143 Dartmouth Diplomacy - Now in Sepia Tone! AtlanticColonies Survived -20 958
27190 Dartmouth Diplomacy - Presented in Technicolor Chromatic Survived -27 931
27206 Dartmouth Diplomacy: We're off to Nether Netherlan DutchRevolt Defeated -13 918
27249 Dartmouth Diplomacy: The Real Rat Race RatWars Survived -9 909
27285 WWII Germany vs Non-Fascist Italy ClassicGvI Won 1 910
27308 Dartmouth Diplomacy: Just Make Some Moves Already NorthSeaWars Survived 4 914
27274 Dartmouth Diplomacy: My Big Fat Greek Invasion GreekDip Survived 12 926
27307 Dartmouth Diplomacy: Filler Episode AncMed Drawn 18 944
27612 Dartmouth Diplomacy: Brexit, The Real Fight For In AnarchyInTheUK Survived -5 939
27689 (GRITFE) Dartmouth Diplomacy: Who Got Nuked? ClassicVS Defeated -5 934
27821 Dartmouth Diplomacy: Salty Revenge WWII Defeated -9 925
27875 Dartmouth Diplomacy: 'Merica AmericanConflict Defeated 9 934