Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Avocado (1461 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
54407 Nixie's Blitz Christmas Invitational GobbleEarth Drawn 55 1055
54806 Mars-6 Mars Survived -32 1023
54792 Bad Players Only ManifestDestiny Drawn 9 1032
54741 Conquest is cool and stuff Enlightenment Defeated -40 992
55010 Troy is dead AncMed Drawn 9 1001
55547 staaab ClassicFvA Won 7 1008
55559 ice ColdWar Won 7 1015
55022 Survival Gunboat Imperium Defeated -30 985
55430 Old Timer Renaissance1453 Won 0 985
55516 Let’s YoungstownWWII Drawn 0 985
55534 Why?-2 AtlanticColonies Drawn 0 985
55444 Only Cool People Allowed AgeOfPericles Drawn 0 985
55420 The Great Successor AustrianSuccession Survived 0 985
55611 Wyoming ClassicFGA Won 0 985
55533 Conquest or Death EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 0 985
55733 N Qualifier Canton Survived -23 962
55790 Unknown knowns Germany1648 Survived 0 962
56128 Brain Freeze ColdWar Drawn 0 962
56176 Nixie 1v1 (please click ready) ColdWar Won 0 962
56072 Das Gunboat-31 WWII Drawn 27 989
56202 Dual of the century in the 21st century (gunboat-2 ClassicEvT Won 8 997
56038 Das Gunboat-30 WWII Defeated 4 1001
56276 Chonk? ClassicFGA Won 31 1032
56167 Scylla BalkanWarsVI Survived 64 1096
55674 All the Nations MongolianEmpire Survived -35 1061
56121 Silent Olympians Zeus5 Defeated -14 1047
56043 Conquer or become the Conquered YoungstownRedux Defeated -31 1016
56074 Viking Gunboat-9 Viking Defeated -16 1000
56125 :-) AustrianSuccession Drawn 104 1104
56192 ready when ready-3 HeptarchyIV Drawn 26 1130
54857 Shake the World World Defeated -10 1120
56014 Viva Fiorenza! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1120
56105 Misc. Gunboat EmpiresCoalitions Won 428 1548
56124 Europe but old Europe1600 Drawn 41 1589
56085 Everyone attack Heartland! Empire4 Drawn 21 1610
55997 Africa-22 Africa Defeated 0 1610
56160 Colonial 1885 Gunboat -4 Colonial1885 Drawn 22 1632
56473 Finkelboat-59 Chesspolitik Defeated 0 1632
56456 wstsl-2 SailHo2 Survived 0 1632
55727 Aberration V GUNBOAT AberrationV Defeated 0 1632
56730 1v1 - American Secession War-84 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1629
56560 Classic (FAST) Classic Survived -41 1588
56793 1v1 - Germany vs Italy-18 ClassicGvI Defeated -7 1581
56840 Playing through all the variants: #2: 1066 v2 TenSixtySix_V2 Survived -14 1567
56528 poooooooooooooo Baron1900 Defeated -46 1521
56773 Blind Game Classic1898Fog Defeated -31 1490
56640 Fast Africa Africa Drawn 37 1527
56587 Classique-2 Classic Drawn 23 1550
56610 Hi-24 Colonial Defeated -44 1506
56691 WOW-4 AberrationV Drawn 34 1540
56886 So Ancient AncMed Survived -12 1528
56693 Sand boat EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 11 1539
55982 Dark Ages World Rumble WesternWorld_901 Drawn 38 1577
56789 It’s All Greek to Me!! GreekDip Survived -45 1532
56784 MD2 Club-3 V2 Modern2 Drawn 27 1559
56853 No draw: Foggy ClassicFog Defeated -12 1547
56821 Silent Game Classic1898Fog Survived -12 1535
56122 Well, rip us Divided_States Defeated -31 1504
56345 Western World 901 Gunboat -3 WesternWorld_901 Survived 38 1542
57033 TTC081923 SouthAmerica4 Survived 0 1542
57194 Classic France vs. Austria-56 ClassicFvA Survived -6 1536
56848 Colonial 1885 , gunboat 555 Colonial1885 Survived 0 1536
56800 Blind Faith Classic1898Fog Defeated -48 1488
56674 Kriegspiel 2 WWII Defeated 0 1488
55996 Grow and Conquer Imperial2 Defeated -12 1476
56935 32r2dfe Classic Defeated 0 1476
55944 A modern Europe gunboat 4 - join! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -35 1441
56854 Classic-22 Classic Drawn 35 1476
56983 Double Dipping ClassicLayered Drawn 36 1512
55924 Die Hard XXXVIII A_Modern_Europe Drawn 84 1596
57181 Atlantic Gunboat-18 AtlanticColonies Won 21 1617
57021 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-9 Colonial1885 Survived -61 1556
57096 please convoy me ClassicBritain Defeated -34 1522
57242 Sengoku Gunboat Sengoku5 Defeated -55 1467
56669 For Honor And Tea Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1467
56802 Aberration gunboat -2 AberrationV Drawn 43 1510
56591 Haven-3 Haven Defeated -39 1471
57332 Atlantic Gunboat-19 AtlanticColonies Won 24 1495
57284 Wonderful Italy Rinascimento Drawn 0 1495
57250 Youngstown-redux YoungstownRedux Drawn 29 1524
57251 ClassisCataclysm ClassicCataclysm Drawn 33 1557
57277 Renaissance - haven't played this yet Renaissance1453 Survived -27 1530
56696 Sand boat 2 GobbleEarth Survived -30 1500
56411 Hands off my spices! EastIndies Defeated -33 1467
56079 For Opium! V4.0 Imperial2 Drawn 36 1503
57452 Let's Fight Like Republicans ManifestDestiny Survived -21 1482
57279 Shoot first never ask questions ClassicBrazilian Drawn 12 1494
57540 Taifa Kingdoms (Test 2) Iberia1065 Defeated -33 1461
57569 poopy-3 Edwardian3 Drawn 58 1519
57383 Let's try it Rinascimento Defeated 0 1519
56986 Playing through all the variants: #4: Mongolian Em MongolianEmpire Survived 0 1519
56554 Turkey Time GobbleEarth Survived 34 1553
57437 Old world Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1553
56553 Youngstown Redux-3 YoungstownRedux Survived 2 1555
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -18 1537
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Defeated 0 1537
57211 A Place We Call Home - American Indians / 4-day Ph GreatLakes Defeated -36 1501
57448 Sussy amogus impostor World10 Defeated -43 1458
56031 The Big Gunboat (Gun Galley?) Europa_Renovatio Defeated -24 1434
56567 Europa Moderna-3 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -17 1417
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio Defeated -26 1391
59580 1v1 - American Secession War-187 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1388
56279 Splinter in a moshpit Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1388
59610 666666666666666699999999999999999999999 Hundred Survived -24 1364
59429 Enlightment-2 Enlightenment Drawn 65 1429
59570 Koala brothers MateAgainstMate Drawn 32 1461