Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for hmcclain (945 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
17724 The Game-4 ClassicEvT Won 8 1008
17736 Won way ClassicEvT Defeated -7 1001
17892 Civil War Practice-4 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1000
17696 south america(5pl) January 2014 SouthAmerica5 Survived 12 1012
17464 Afrixa 16 hour game Africa Defeated -2 1010
17953 The game 1 ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 1018
17984 Game 1-3 ClassicFvA Won 7 1025
17523 kings and chiefs Viking Survived -4 1021
17259 gunboat classsic Classic Survived -6 1015
17750 Everybody's Doing the Colonial Gunboat Colonial Survived -27 988
17684 Imma get deez beans Classic -33 955
18040 Europe in 1939. Europe1939 Survived -8 947
17685 World War II -2 WWII Drawn 4 951
18263 English-4 NorthSeaWars Survived 0 951
17718 Main Game Modern2 Defeated -38 913
17366 East or West? Colonial Defeated -11 902
17788 DOUBLE THE FUN ClassicLayered Defeated -25 877
17550 cruuuu FirstCrusade Survived -2 875
17869 Braindrain Migraine Defeated -2 873
17749 Excuse me, is it Europe? AberrationV Survived -1 872
17714 Please join. Empire4 Defeated -19 853
17686 known world! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -17 836
17858 Zickezacke Hühnerkacke DarkAges Defeated -1 835
18296 You can't see me ClassicFog Survived 0 835
18250 Not for Pro gamers AmericanConflict Defeated -1 834
18384 Foggy-4 ClassicFog Defeated -5 829
18549 britain HeptarchyIV Survived -9 820
18339 Africa!! Africa Defeated -12 808
18188 chaos-3 ClassicChaos -9 799
18177 Olympics of War YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 799
17646 Imperial game Imperial2 Defeated -3 796
18385 Celts CelticBritain Defeated -6 790
18060 Alternate Europe AberrationV Defeated -4 786
18509 Econoic ClassicEconomic Survived 3 789
17973 Youngsten ean World YoungstownWWII Defeated -20 769
17930 Gobble Earth GobbleEarth Defeated -3 766
18506 FOW Gunboat-23 ClassicFog Defeated -3 763
18224 Japan-2 Sengoku5 Defeated -5 758
14633 Crazy Classic 34P War ClassicChaos Defeated -6 752
18150 Mötley Crüsade FirstCrusade Defeated -3 749
19353 No Courtney Allowed ClassicFog Defeated -2 747
18129 A Sail in the Lakes GreatLakes Defeated -1 746
19291 This will be interesting Germany1648 -17 729
18917 Cyranch Imperial2 -16 713
18428 So when's the next Apocalypse? WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 713
18760 ++ 卐 ++ Colonial1885 Defeated 1 714
17923 first global GobbleEarth Defeated -20 694
17933 A New Twist on Old School GobbleEarth Defeated -5 689
19453 Celts-2 CelticBritain Survived 27 716
19843 Duo-39 Duo Defeated -3 713
19616 Joinusordie WWII Drawn 5 718
19789 World Cup SouthAmerica5 Survived -2 716
17936 Marquess Queensberry Rules GobbleEarth Defeated 0 716
19595 Gunboat, Single Blind Classic Survived 46 762
19728 Wine and Vinegar Rinascimento Defeated 0 762
19895 World Cup II SouthAmerica4 Defeated 1 763
19465 Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Pirates Defeated -2 761
19701 Mute Empire4 Defeated -1 760
17270 Entre le Royaume des Vivants et des Mort Imperial2 Defeated -1 759
19804 Empires Imperial2 Defeated 2 761
19535 lol-10 Colonial1885 Defeated -9 752
20074 Smoke of Conflict ClassicFog Defeated -16 736
20145 NO DRAW ALLOWED AncMed Defeated -5 731
20227 Cake is a lie Pure Defeated -11 720
19913 Louis XIV Enlightenment Defeated -7 713
19775 Layered-2 ClassicLayered -10 703
19821 Africa-10 Africa Defeated -5 698
19902 The sound of silence-12 Africa Survived 11 709
19542 The Bitter End-3 ClassicFog Defeated -12 697
20408 Reeds leavers AtlanticColonies Survived -4 693
20501 (TF)-14 ClassicVS Defeated -2 691
20500 fast2 ClassicEvT Defeated -3 688
20502 AF-4 ClassicFvA Defeated -2 686
20354 Football war SouthAmerica4 Defeated -1 685
18403 Can Into Imperialism? Remake Imperial2 -19 666
20588 Austria v Italy (AI) ClassicVS Defeated 0 666
20447 Punic War 4 AncMed Survived 17 683
20212 Alexiad FirstCrusade Defeated -3 680
20339 Octopus Gunboat-8 ClassicOctopus Defeated -7 673
20822 GameForThree(IFT) ClassicVS Survived -5 668
20148 $3000/ year on contraception ClassicFog Survived 4 672
20898 LOLOL-2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 10 682
19883 World War I everywhere GobbleEarth Defeated 5 687
15993 Autumn & Empire WWIV Defeated -2 685
20534 Hemingway Africa Drawn 47 732
21107 (TE)-4 ClassicVS Defeated -3 729
20819 Aanoris WWII Defeated -4 725
20273 Aberration-2 AberrationV Defeated -5 720
21135 F v A-5 ClassicFvA Defeated -4 716
17755 lol this is random WWIV_V6 Defeated -12 704
20932 SHSID APWH GreekDip Drawn 65 769
20288 Thousand Islands War GreatLakes Defeated -8 761
20304 Pope Urban Meyer Rinascimento Defeated 0 761
20441 America-9 Empire4 Defeated 3 764
20312 World of Empires GobbleEarth Defeated -15 749
20996 La gentil culla dell'arte Rinascimento Defeated 0 749
20084 Michigan's Dreams GreatLakes Defeated -6 743
20924 Abstraction III-2 Abstraction3 Drawn 0 743
20853 Guns of WWII YoungstownWWII Defeated -11 732
20487 \¡/ BuildAnywhere Defeated -7 725
21205 Ancient Civilizations AncMed Survived -15 710
20823 Lets Play Something [* - *] ClassicFog Defeated -2 708
21455 Random (FA) ClassicVS Defeated -2 706
21129 Supremacy SouthAmerica8 Defeated -27 679
21209 Practice -3 Classic Defeated -15 664
21563 Model UN class of 2015 Classic Won 0 664
21156 modern warfare-3 Modern2 Survived -6 658
21622 Judgement of Zeus AncMed Defeated -12 646
21275 Ahuntsic2 Colonial Drawn 33 679
21408 Economy of Forces ClassicEconomic Survived -1 678
21112 Cape to Cairo Railway Africa Defeated -9 669
21816 model un Classic Won 0 669
21931 Keep you friends close ClassicFGvsRT Defeated -2 667
21292 Outbreak Rinascimento Drawn 0 667
21480 Italian Job Rinascimento Defeated 0 667
20946 Known World KnownWorld_901 Drawn 261 928
21495 Chaos Chaos Chaos! ClassicChaos Defeated 0 928
20816 WWIV WWIV_V6 Defeated -20 908
21853 Why we have a UN WWII Drawn 29 937
22270 wwiv global press. ppsc. 50 sc WWIV Defeated 8 945