Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Cosmopterix (1402 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
31990 Dip Duel ClassicFvA Survived -6 994
31783 Crowded Confusion ClassicCrowded Defeated -18 976
31767 Unfair War I Colonial1885 Drawn 53 1029
32144 Wog of Far ClassicFog Survived -14 1015
32808 Landrule SouthAmerica4 Defeated -3 1012
32342 AFRICAN ADVENTURES Africa Survived 92 1104
32444 Run and Gun Hussite Defeated -35 1069
31932 war is forever unfair Colonial1885 Defeated -9 1060
32496 very dark indeed DarkAges Survived -36 1024
32533 GunboatBritain HeptarchyIV Survived -41 983
32600 Chaos is a pit ClassicChaos Defeated -30 953
33280 1v1-187 ClassicGvI Survived -5 948
31843 Austin Showdown ClassicEvT Defeated -7 941
33089 The Wars To Come Napoleonic Defeated -41 900
32980 Free my mans Catalonia Modern2 Defeated -26 874
33167 Gunboat!-2 Chromatic Drawn 30 904
32018 GE GobbleEarth Defeated -3 901
33267 One Rat Two Rat Red Rat Blue Rat RatWars Defeated -7 894
32536 Gold Diggers MateAgainstMate Defeated -5 889
31786 You Win or You Die WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 889
33140 Something Different - 4 AgeOfPericles Survived -17 872
33239 Andes and Amazon SouthAmerica8 Defeated -18 854
33292 A Clash of Kings Modern2 Drawn 69 923
33379 Aokigahara Sengoku6 Defeated -22 901
32834 New WW WWIV Defeated -27 874
33520 I like WTA ClassicFog Defeated -12 862
33297 Something Different - 6 AberrationV Defeated -23 839
33867 The Savoyard Connection ClassicMilan Defeated -23 816
33309 foggy 59 ClassicFog Defeated -15 801
33713 WW901 sssh WesternWorld_901 Drawn 72 873
33106 division Empire4 Defeated 8 881
33528 Bell's Diner KnownWorld_901 Survived 171 1052
33308 A Fantastical Realm FantasyWorld Defeated -10 1042
33613 World War II - Gunboat WWII Defeated -30 1012
34460 No chat just fun 19 Classic1913 Drawn 55 1067
34578 Another gunboat-3 AustrianSuccession Defeated -3 1064
34007 WW901 WesternWorld_901 Survived -10 1054
32983 World - amazing WWIVsealanes Drawn 214 1268
34419 Colonial Wars Colonial1885 Defeated -8 1260
34748 Into the Deep ClassicOctopus Survived 29 1289
35019 Gunboat South America SouthAmerica8 Survived 40 1329
34583 Play fast and smart 2 Europe1939 Defeated -27 1302
34417 Abrrtn AberrationV Defeated -45 1257
33821 1000 megawats of fun WWIV_V6 Defeated -34 1223
33046 Public WWIV WWIV Defeated -22 1201
35359 Colonial Gunboat 4 Colonial1885 Survived -17 1184
35579 War in Europe Edwardian Survived -41 1143
35822 Verdun-16 TreatyOfVerdun Won 33 1176
35065 Remove Kebab Crusades1201 Defeated -11 1165
35652 Probabilities... Colonial1885 Drawn 56 1221
35577 Imperial Gunboat-2 Imperial2 Defeated -17 1204
36153 No chat just fun 30 - WTA ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 30 1234
36196 Diplodocus FirstCrusade Drawn 21 1255
35182 Darwin's Dilemma WWIV_V6 Drawn 64 1319
36222 Covfefe is a drinking game KnownWorld_901 Defeated -57 1262
36524 Race to Vienna AustrianSuccession Drawn 3 1265
36778 Celtic britain-5 CelticBritain Survived -41 1224
37078 Interesting Viking Survived -23 1201
35475 Odd Future WWIV_V6 Drawn 242 1443
33788 Divided States Gunboat Divided_States Defeated -42 1401
33781 Divided States of 'Murica Divided_States Defeated -52 1349
36637 One Round World Habelya Survived 37 1386
36908 Who chooses Austria #hero !! ClassicFog Defeated -27 1359
35242 Fast Fifty State (again) Divided_States Defeated -27 1332
33789 American Gunboat -2 Divided_States Drawn 432 1764
37007 Imperial World-2 Imperial2 Defeated -52 1712
37409 Azagthoth Balkans1860 Drawn 18 1730
37656 Gott Mit Uns-2 Germany1648 Survived -33 1697
37315 George Washington Empire4 Survived -37 1660
37229 foggy 102 ClassicFog Defeated -46 1614
37820 No chat just fun 37 Classic Survived 0 1614
33305 Keaton vs Kyhl Duo Drawn 0 1614
37033 World-2 World Defeated -54 1560
36705 American Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo Divided_States Defeated -28 1532
37876 Casus Belli-2 Colonial1885 Defeated -40 1492
37333 Wooo KnownWorld_901 Drawn 68 1560
36742 USA divided Divided_States Defeated -49 1511
39068 Something Different - 24 Maharajah Defeated -20 1491
37780 Chaos Control ClassicChaos Defeated -40 1451
37694 Big day WWIVsealanes Defeated -59 1392
39485 Homer J. Simpson Enlightenment Defeated -51 1341
39743 Slow boat to Memphis, Egypt AncMed Drawn 19 1360
37278 Choose Your State Divided_States Drawn 168 1528
40669 World Dipcon Bangkok 2021 SpiceIslands Survived -9 1519
39664 JoJo KnownWorld_901 Defeated -32 1487
38799 Unholy Roman Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated -39 1448
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1448
40657 Brexited Out KnownWorld_901 Defeated -41 1407
40891 AC-3 AmericanConflict Drawn 23 1430
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Defeated -20 1410
40793 Inherency KnownWorld_901 Defeated -45 1365
38379 The Joys of Federalism Divided_States Drawn 266 1631
40650 Europ3 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -18 1613
41354 The Exception MongolianEmpire Defeated -63 1550
38825 Cry God for Harry! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -48 1502
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Defeated -35 1467
38842 Holy Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1467
42210 Home game AnarchyInTheUK Won 138 1605
41949 The Silent Continent Africa Survived -25 1580
41340 1937 Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -45 1535
39947 EU IV Europa_Renovatio Drawn 244 1779
43257 Scottish Clanboat Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated -15 1764
43609 1937 Gunboat!-4 WorldAtWar1937 -39 1725
44882 Modern Diplomacy Short Phase Modern2 Defeated -53 1672
41202 Modern Love-4 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 95 1767
45910 Africa-18 Africa Defeated -57 1710
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Drawn 282 1992
46434 Easy....,... Classic1898Fog Won 31 2023
46368 Das U-boat YoungstownWWII Drawn 7 2030
46752 Rise of the hordes MongolianEmpire Defeated -9 2021
46070 In Europe we are all brothers A_Modern_Europe Defeated -60 1961
46970 X - MAS special 25% off ClassicSevenIslands Survived -20 1941
40316 pick your poison Europa_Renovatio Defeated -39 1902
47724 Time..,..,... ClassicEgypt Drawn 9 1911
47008 Easy,......... Classic1913 Survived 17 1928
47701 1937 WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 12 1940
46359 WWWoww WWIV Defeated -59 1881
48138 funGoat 8 ClassicCroatia Survived -24 1857
48447 Help Me Play All The Variants-2 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -45 1812
48489 World Dominion World10 Defeated -48 1764
47238 Europe en flamme Europa_Renovatio Defeated -52 1712
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Defeated 0 1712
48933 Moderna gunnboat Modern2 Defeated -31 1681
48932 Karibu Africa Defeated -31 1650
48997 Taj mahal Empire4 Defeated -12 1638
49802 rio7 ClassicBrazilian Survived -24 1614
49945 AM-5 AncMed Won 121 1735
49042 Diplomacy's Final Form ClassicChaos Drawn 58 1793
49953 WWII-25 WWII Drawn 12 1805
50517 G B Classic Defeated -34 1771
50474 ModernBattleground Modern2 Defeated -23 1748
50491 The Smyler With the Knyfe Rinascimento Drawn 0 1748
52431 Home of the Brave III Empire4 Defeated -40 1708
52392 1937gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Survived -60 1648
52624 1885 Gunboat-10 Colonial1885 Defeated -36 1612
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -34 1578
52625 Imperial Gunboat-6 Imperial2 Defeated -20 1558
53470 North American Gunboat Showdown-2 ManifestDestiny Survived -11 1547
54193 kixilm Empire1on1 Defeated -9 1538
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -38 1500
54172 Europe10 GB #04: Oslo! Modern2 Defeated -30 1470
53481 Imperial Gunboat-7 Imperial2 Defeated -32 1438
54350 Europe Modern2 Drawn 90 1528
54520 1939 Gunboat Europe1939 Drawn 21 1549
55279 Mediterranean Gunboat-5 AncMed Won 27 1576
54666 Gunboat 1489 Classic1897 Survived -15 1561
54784 Gunboat 1489-2 Abstraction3 Survived -12 1549
55549 Because more is better AnarchyInTheUK Survived -32 1517
55532 press ready when ready Germany1648 Survived 9 1526
54132 901 Gunboat-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -28 1498
54785 Gunboat 1494 AberrationV Drawn 79 1577
51725 The 26704th Europa Renovatio Gunboat Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -4 1573
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Defeated -9 1564
56345 Western World 901 Gunboat -3 WesternWorld_901 Survived -2 1562
56848 Colonial 1885 , gunboat 555 Colonial1885 Survived -17 1545
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -31 1514
56783 Choose a World to Know a World-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 107 1621
57518 This one is better Colonial1885 Survived -35 1586
58096 Sahara the first SouthSahara Defeated -7 1579
57929 Wok3 Enlightenment Won 239 1818
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -32 1786
58254 Greek!-2 GreekDip Drawn 31 1817
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio Defeated -47 1770
57448 Sussy amogus impostor World10 Defeated -54 1716
58643 Das Gunboat-46 WWII Defeated -39 1677
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio Defeated -60 1617
58318 Playing through all the variants #10: 1937 WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 85 1702
58525 Is this world any better? World10 -56 1646
59812 ClassicGunboat-2 Classic Survived -40 1606
59827 Atlantic Gunboat-37 AtlanticColonies Drawn 8 1614
59817 Western World Gunboat WesternWorld_901 Survived -32 1582
58613 Day Day Up Europa_Renovatio Defeated -36 1546
59469 A Modern Europe XXX A_Modern_Europe Survived -1 1545
60606 Finkelboat-64 NorthSeaWars Survived -29 1516
60437 Palmeiras Empire4 Drawn 27 1543
60158 Das Gunboat-62 WWII Drawn 18 1561
60168 GunboatYoungstownRedux YoungstownRedux Defeated -21 1540
60746 Finkelboat-77 PunicWars Survived -23 1517
60736 Tzatziboat GreekDip Defeated -37 1480
60627 Demokritos AgeOfPericles Defeated -42 1438
60893 Delfi GreekDip Defeated -25 1413
61150 Caribbean Gunboat -3 Karibik Defeated -27 1386
60892 You fools!!! 10,463 was prime!!! Prime I tell you! Modern2 Defeated -27 1359
60846 Europe 1939-4 Europe1939 Survived -16 1343
60763 Balthazar-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -37 1306
61112 World Diplomacy Gunboat (never say you're sorry!) World10 Drawn 121 1427
61762 Caribbean Gunboat -5 Karibik Defeated -25 1402