A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Synapse (814 D)
05 Sep 14 UTC
Middle East variant testing
Hey, I need 5 players to help me test Middeast, any takers?
0 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
30 Aug 14 UTC
biggest comeback?
Anyone have a link of their biggest or someones biggest comeback that they have witnessed? im sure many of them were caused by NMRs, just specify
6 replies
Synapse (814 D)
30 Aug 14 UTC
Middeast variant
Middeast is back up for testing at the lab

Test game:
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Synapse (814 D)
02 Sep 14 UTC
anyone for a game of pirates?
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Anon (?? D)
01 Sep 14 UTC
Looking for Colonial players
Need 6 like-minded individuals for these games:

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Anon (?? D)
31 Aug 14 UTC
Come Play a Night GAME!!
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jimbursch (0 D)
30 Aug 14 UTC
What happens when a player goes into Civil Disorder?
I need an answer for the glossary:
3 replies
CoXBoT (1136 D)
27 Aug 14 UTC
Would be pretty awesome if someone made a Westeros variant. I've seen a few on other sites, but pretty much just to print and play in person.
9 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
27 Aug 14 UTC
Substitution and sitters
I need a definition for substitution and sitters for the glossary:
I also need to know the procedure for substitution and sitting.
4 replies
zurn (1178 D)
27 Aug 14 UTC
Possible to implement this rule variant?
I was wondering, is it feasible for a variant like Ambition and Empire ( to be implemented on vDiplomacy? It's not just a map variant, it also has a few additional rules. The biggest one is the Diplomacy Points: you get one per supply centre you own, and can issue one order to a neutral unit per point. Others can do so as well, and the order most commonly given to the unit is the one that gets used.
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
02 Aug 14 UTC
Big interacive-map update...
Tobi1 made a lot of new interactive-maps for our variants.
Give it a try and post comments and suggestions here.
16 replies
pwnosaurus (1000 D)
26 Aug 14 UTC
Email notifications?
Where do you enable email notifications for new messages, approaching deadlines, etc... ? can't seem to find that.
2 replies
Synapse (814 D)
26 Aug 14 UTC
Old versions of variants
just wondering as there's 3 versions of 1066 on vDip now...why don't you remove outdated versions of variants?
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SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
20 Aug 14 UTC
Marine corps officer reserve
Anybody have any knowledge about this? I was thinking of joining but don't know many of the requirements. The marines page doesn't provide much. Just curious if anyone here took that path.
37 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Aug 14 UTC
replacement needed for a good start ...
everyone seems to be committed, except russia ...
if we find a player, i think this can be an enjoyable game!
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pyrhos (1268 D)
20 Aug 14 UTC
replacement needed
We need a replacement for Germany in gameID=20270 it's a good position
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jimbursch (0 D)
20 Aug 14 UTC
New Diplomacy group formed in Los Angeles
Hello Dip enthusiasts! If you are in southern California, check the new L.A. Diplomacy group that is forming:
0 replies
Battalion (2386 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
Suggested Feature
Larger maps make it possible that players face stalemate lines while other areas of the map remain dynamic. If these players have a large number of units (as is likely if stalemate lines have formed), it requires the repetitive entry of exactly the same orders. May I recommend that a button is created which allows you to 'Enter the same moves as last time'? There's no reason that one or two moves shouldn't then be modified afterwards.
pjman (661 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
That would be a very helpful button. I like the idea! +1
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
For exactly the reasons that you state, sir, this is a very bad idea. If players are such dullards that they cannot consider and attempt a new order set each turn, and prefer to sit behind map gimmicks, then they sure can bother to spend five minutes per turn to put in a fresh set of orders each turn.

This sounds like part of a larger problem that afflicts a majority of players, who simply wish to play until all the neutral SCs are taken and the NMRing and CDing players are eliminated, and then call for a draw. The game is meant for all players to explore a path to victory, and plays best when all do (at least try). There are certainly times to circle the wagons and bunker down, but we see far too many players do this far too soon. Adding this feature would only compound that problem.
Battalion (2386 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
Ruffhaus, I agree whole-heartedly that everyone should play for outright victory where possible. However, it occaisionally becomes apparent that victory is not possible, and attempting anything but the creation of a stalemate line would be suicidal. This occurs more frequently on the larger maps, and I wouldn't be lazy enough to suggest it was needed on most maps. In addition to convenience, having this feature would arguably have the potential to reduce NMRs and CDs as individuals would be less likely to lose interest at repeatedly entering 30 identical orders every day. Individuals would still have to select the option each turn (and therefore continually assess the situation), meaning that they are not mindlesly signing off for the rest of the game.

In a more direct response to your concern, I do not believe that the button would make people forming stalemate lines any more likely if people are then able to change some of the orders afterward the automatic entry.

Perhaps a suitable compromise would be that this option is only available on the larger maps.

Finally, please do not call me 'sir'. My sex is not known to you. :p
Braillard (937 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
I agree with Ruffhaus.
And even though some variants seem like being made for this type of game play - with a bunch of neutrals between starting positions and so big that you quickly have to manipulate more than 10/15 units - the interactive map is awesome for these and stalemate lines are easily input with a few clicks.
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
I'm with Ruffhaus on this one too. There is never a situation where forming a stalemate is the only option. Negotiation can overcome almost anything.
Battalion (2386 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
In that case, why don't we abolish the 'Draw' button? Just because a button is there, it doesn't mean that it has to be used.
haha, very true, good point.

My mindset has been too warped by the games I've been playing recently.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
18 Aug 14 UTC
Battalion -

IMO, putting this button there would only encourage people to make use of it. Simply put, a fair number of people play too many games at once, making their devotion to each game less. Giving them an easy "out" by allowing them to enter in all their orders in 5 seconds doesn't exactly encourage them to stay engaged in the game. If they're guaranteed a draw by putting in the same orders every turn, then they'd be more likely to turn their attention to new games and leave that one for a draw, even if there's still plenty of opportunity left.

This is a concern, because the community here has a reputation for being a "group hug" site. Whether or not you agree with that, it's been seen a lot in the past, and putting this button here only encourages it further. Two or three allies hit a stalemate line, and hit the button every turn and game over.
jimbursch (0 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
Speaking from the standpoint of a developer, adding a button that automatically enters the last turn's orders is technically trivial.

As a matter of principle, the only constraint on a player's choice of game play should be the rules as they are enforced in the code. Beyond that, the game should be designed to facilitate however the player wishes to play within the rules. That is an important technical design principle -- players decide how they want to play, not developers, and it is wrong of a developer not to support valid play (however unpopular, distasteful and dickish).

If the rules allow a player to rush to a stalemate line and hold out for a draw, it would violate the principle above for a developer to choose not to support that form of play simply because the developer doesn't care for it.

There may be other reasons not to add the feature, but constraining player behavior within the rules is not a valid reason, in my humble opinion.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
Adding such a button would only cause more dull and boring games, and create opportunities for players to somehow select that butting inadvertently.

Battalion, this option would absolutely lead to more boring dopey stalemate style play. At lease forcing someone to make an effort to put in the same repetitive move each turn makes them vulnerable to mistakes, which is exactly what someone doing this deserves. And if it's a cling to life condition forcing you to do so, then it's really worth the effort each season.

I just don't get it. Why sign up to play, if you want a "do the same thing as last season' button? I don't think that you get into having rules to allow or disallow play, but there is no reason to develop variants or technological features to endorse it. We have plenty of stall ballers here already.
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
so the real problem actually is not with the feature, but with the players present ... having the featuer or not will not change anything about the real problem.

that feature would be a usability plus which i had wished a lot before. not to maintain a stalemate line and bunker in forever, but to handle those games where 10 units are doing the work frontline, while the other 30 are essentially needed to secure borders, be it against an enemy or an ally – not forever, but maybe for the next 10 or 15 turns ...
setting those orders again and again is dull, tedious and error prone with the current interface (non-sortable, non-groupable units), and it adds no quality to the game. it can even demotivate players to play on, especially after they once made a mistake just due to the interface.

even if i don't think this feature is made for "instant stalemate orders", it's unclear to me how right now not having this feature prevents forming of stalemate lines better than when having the feature ...
if those lines are really important to a player, he will set the orders to maintain it again. he does it now (tedious) and he'd do it with that feature (not tedious). he will only not set it up failproof again next turn if he sees no need for it anymore (same/same), or if he makes an error when entering the orders (bad now, better then) or if he gets tired of that on large maps and leaves the game/site (bad now, better then).
(if one would want to escalate things, it could even be said that insisting on not having such a feature is to speculate on profiting from someone making a mistake, giving a plus to the players who invest more effort in something that has nothing to do with the essence of this game, diplomatic talks or planning moves, but only to do with clicking/typing more precisely. but i don't want to escalate things.)
Braillard (937 D)
19 Aug 14 UTC
In the settings you can sort your units as you want. In FtF you can screw up your orders all the same. In the interactive map you cannot do typo errors.

So many features already, and such an easy interface, why create more and more buttons? The game was never meant to have you handle 40 units and hold stalemate line for 15 turns... If a variant (which one?) creates this kind of situation it not a playable variant and some parameters have to be changed (EOG conditions, number of players, size of the map, number of territories, etc.)

Only live games could benefit from this feature I think
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
19 Aug 14 UTC
The problem is lazi was and the feature compounds it. I'm not sure where this opinion of entitlement to a draw or a game long alliance comes from. These things are earned through the development of trust and display of competence. Sending in the same orders every turn is a sign of desperation or boredom. In either case if a player is too lazy to conduct diplomacy into the mid game, much less to put in orders every turn, then maybe they should find a new hobby.

I'm not even sure what to make of this nonsense "profiling" comment. If you are suggesting that knowing an opponents strengths and weaknesses is cheating or improper, then you sound like one of Retillions crew of fills standing in line for handouts of VDip points.

The problem is that people don't play the game past the first few seasons because they are lazy and unskilled. The feature proposed to help such players survive by stalling the game. The solution is to encourage players to improve their negotiation skills and to demonstrate that stopping the practice of diplomacy in the middle of a game to secure a faster draw result is not only bad play, but bad sportsmanship. If you sign up to play a Dip game, at least try to play it. When players only ambition is to survive weber crap games. Everyone should try to win or the game doesn't work.

Players here, ever newer ones shouldn't be intimidated into thinking they cannot win. The game is remarkably simple, and even new players can excel with modest creativity. The suggested feature is just one more tool that would keep poor players performing poorly.
jimbursch (0 D)
19 Aug 14 UTC
Let's call the strategy of sitting on a stalemate line for a draw the "Entrenchment Strategy". Clearly the Entrenchment Strategy is legal according to the rules. Perhaps it is a "poor" strategy (I'm not experienced enough with the game to judge).

I think this issue needs to be addressed with an End of Game Condition setting. It should not be addressed in the user interface design.

Setting aside opinions about the Entrenchment Strategy, does adding a button that auto-enters prior orders facilitate game play, regardless of the strategy being employed by the player?
Vaniver (1132 D)
19 Aug 14 UTC
I very much want this button. Even in large games where I am actively prosecuting a war, there's typically a front or two in stalemate, and not having to spend time on them would be appreciated.

15 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
ID#19708 looking for replacement. "The last war before we invade aliens"
Map is WWIV. I'm the Sichuan empire, with 24 supply centers, 19 units, no powerful enemies of consequence, and current leader. Progressing to around 27 centers soon, most probably. However, I have school soon so I need a replacement. See
7 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
14 Aug 14 UTC
how come some variants are unactive
I'm kinda interested in the cold war one. How does that one play out exactly?
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EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
16 Aug 14 UTC
hey oli and the mods I have a quick question.
My friends and I are thinking about doing a livestream in December when we all are finally together.
I was wondering if they could make their own accounts so we could all play a 4 player only map.
They won't play any other games but the ones we make for the stream and they won't play or join any of my personal games.
So basically its a free for all between 4 good friends. What could go possibly wrong?:)
25 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
15 Aug 14 UTC
I have 3 ideas for live games
1 :sound effects.
2: Team battles.
(I will try to give examples for each if you let me have the first three replies.)
23 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
16 Aug 14 UTC
Message tab
Oli, how hard would it be to implement a message tab? It seems the only way I can view my PM's is when I get a new PM.... :(
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jengamaster (1053 D)
15 Aug 14 UTC
I have a couple of rules questions regarding variants.
With variants that say they do not allow for a draw, is that the case? Do those formats not have stalemate lines, or how do those games resolve if a stalemate is reached.
6 replies
Halt (2077 D)
14 Aug 14 UTC
WWIV Sealanes Game
So, the last time I tried to get one going, we hit around 26-27 players before the time limit killed it. To my knowledge, there are no games ongoing aside from those gunboats.
19 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
14 Aug 14 UTC
A question about the Lab
So, I wanted to do some testing in the lab. Do I need to make a separate account on lab.vdip? Or does this one work?
3 replies
Synapse (814 D)
03 Aug 14 UTC
Middle-East variant
I've started work on a variant of the contemporary Middle-East, but as I'm not an expert at balancing variants, I was wondering if someone can give me some insight into how to make it fair? is a draft version.
41 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
13 Aug 14 UTC
hey I have a question
Where is meepmeep? People on webdip said he was here. Did he like retire from vdip too?
4 replies
Meckdar (987 D X)
26 Jul 14 UTC
to those who complain of the players who play just to get a "draw", you can do this way:
18 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
10 Aug 14 UTC
Oli sir could I have your permission?
I would like to advertise your site on my groups youtube channel and I also wanted to know if I could advertise my youtube on here if that's ok if not I understand sir.
24 replies
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