A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Greatdjenkins (927 D)
04 Jan 18 UTC
I'm better than everyone
No one can beat me it's like your all tiny, puny ants, and I'm the giant that squashes you haha. Fight me puny crybaby girls. Come at meeeeee!!!!!this me
5 replies
Flame (1073 D)
26 Nov 17 UTC
Punic Wars COMING soon!
Punic Wars based on Sail Ho variant.
Coming soon.
15 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
21 Nov 17 UTC
Sengoku Nagashino Feedback Thread
Hi Sengoku Nagashino players - please deposit your thoughts here for designer digestion as the first round of games resolves.

Please do not directly comment on the situation/players etc. of any active games. Please limit your comments to the variant design itself, as it appears at gamestart. Once a game has completed, it is fair game for analysis, but not before please.
29 replies
Greatdjenkins (927 D)
30 Dec 17 UTC
what happened to our game argentinaen empire
whats the deal, i cant find the game anymore.
3 replies
BobRoss (1752 D)
03 Jan 18 UTC
Still looking for replacements (3 games)
Other obligations make it impossible for me to play my games as they ought to be played.
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Dec 17 UTC
Deep philosophical question about American culture
So I teach at a major public research university. And I keep noticing that my male students in their early 20s seem with a surprisingly high probability to be intimately familiar with the movie Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. This movie came out when I was in high school. And at the same time, they seem ignorant of In Living Color which is readily available on Youtube. So why DBAMTSCWDYJITH and not, for example, I'm Gonna Git You Sucka?
6 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
08 Dec 17 UTC
Drunk postings only
This forum thread is for VDip players to post when they are a little bit pissed.
37 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
01 Jan 18 UTC
Happy new year
No new year thread here...?
Wish you all a happy new year.
2 replies
JECE (1534 D)
18 Nov 17 UTC
Is there a new mobile website?
It looks great, but could I turn it off? I use a BlackBerry Passport, which has a nice big screen and doesn't need it.
101 replies
Chumbles (1380 D)
24 Dec 17 UTC
Merry Christmas!
Have a brilliant Christmas day - it's already started in Oz!
11 replies
brainbomb (662 D)
23 Dec 17 UTC
Mafia II vdip signup
So I was thinking id run an 11-14 player game starting in January. Probably the 5th or 6th. Any vdippers up for some mafia? Setup TBA.
3 replies
Monkey (889 D)
22 Dec 17 UTC
Im soooo cool
im the best and no one can take me downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
17 replies
BobRoss (1752 D)
23 Dec 17 UTC
Looking for replacements
Hi all. Due to personal circumstances i will be entering an indefinite vdip hiatus and thus i'm looking for replacements.
1 reply
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
20 Dec 17 UTC
Game set up - NMR
I want to set a game so that it never processes a turn with out orders. I think that is setting “Turn” = 0.
But if I set “Delay”= 2 does that mean a two day/phase pause before that player is kicked? Or is he kicked immediately and there are 2 days for a replacement to appear. In the latter case what happens after the 2 days?
7 replies
slypups (2729 D)
17 Dec 17 UTC
Proof that victory stats can be deceiving
At least with a small sample size.
Does this mean Yellow starts at a disadvantage on this map?
11 replies
RagingIke297 (1010 D)
17 Dec 17 UTC
Any mods around that can pause a game?
I'm spectating this game And about half the countries are about to NMR, anyone around to stop this from happening?
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
16 Dec 17 UTC
Looking for replacements for two good positions
Germany in Furnace of Affliction (gameID=31823) and a strong position in an anonymous Imperial game. PM for details.
1 reply
Devonian (1887 D)
10 Dec 17 UTC
¿alguien quiere jugar un partido en español?
Yo quiero aprender la español y piense que a jugar en la idoma es un buen manera a aprender.

¿Hay otros que quiero jugar en español?
21 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
23 Sep 17 UTC
Balkans 1860 variant
Is it just me, or is Italy way too overpowered?
91 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Dec 17 UTC
France vs Austria Openings Tier List & Guide
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
26 Nov 17 UTC
Imperium-variant might work again...
I did some work on the adjudicator and this might work again.
Not a very balanced variant, but has a really interesting start..
24 replies
BobRoss (1752 D)
31 Aug 17 UTC
Variant Tournaments Results & Ranking
As the Variant Tournament thread was getting clogged i thought it'd be a good idea to separate the organisational and ranking part.
47 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
11 Aug 17 UTC
obsolete Sengoku variant
Hi all, designer of Sengoku here. I would love to get the latest version of Sengoku in use on this system, as it is much more balanced. Found here:
Even if the DP system, can't be used, the version at is still better than the one in use currently. Poor Mori needs a fair chance :-) Anyone willing/able to help me get these implemented?
89 replies
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
26 Nov 17 UTC
Extending the pre game time
Is it possible to extend the time while waiting for players in a game I created? If so how? Thanks
3 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
19 Nov 17 UTC
It's time to talk about Scoring
Hello all!

Let's talk about scoring? More specifically, about whether the dreaded Points Per Supply Center (PPSC) scoring should remain an option?
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@Enriador - Agreed. I'd rather not be slaves to the rulebook, but I do believe the spirit of the game should be followed as well as possible and PPSC encourages people to violate that spirit.
mouse (1776 D)
21 Nov 17 UTC
"1) make WTA the only possible result in solos.

2) make Draw-Size, PPSC and Sum-of-Squares as optional scoring systems in case no winner stands out."

Cannot disagree more strongly. Draws always being split equally is utterly necessary; they are not a result and as such, every player that survives to reach them receives an equal refund on the pot. Saying "oh, it's possible to 'win' a draw by having more centres" falls under exactly the same arguments people are making against PPSC scoring a game that actually has a result.

While I personally would prefer a scoring method that (at least partially) rewards survival in games that do have a result (such as PPSC, or SoS applied to non-drawn games), I'd be willing to keep playing with WTA the only option. Removing that *and* forcing in a draw distribution that's not 'entire pot is split equally among survivors', however, is simply unacceptable.

If you want to limit your grandstanding to potential systems to *add* to the current mix, fine. But don't fucking bundle "adding systems that distribute proportionally to centres/placing in draws and "removing systems that distribute proportionally to centres/placing in games with a result" together as if they're remotely interlinked.
Enriador (1507 D)
21 Nov 17 UTC

"Draws always being split equally is utterly necessary". 'Utterly necessary' is a bit too strong, right? webDip has SoS in draws and WW3 hasn't started yet.

Given my proposal (which you quoted), YOUR GAMES can always be WTA/DSS as you wish, while MY GAMES can always be WTA/PPSC or whatever. More options are always better.

Besides, it has already been mentioned that short games should be considered. In short games elimination is a rare thing, and as such we would have 7-way draws happen all the time. A way to further delineate the performance of different powers is by applying PPSC or SoS or C-Diplo, etc.
mouse (1776 D)
21 Nov 17 UTC
>Given my proposal (which you quoted), YOUR GAMES can always be WTA/DSS as you wish, while MY GAMES can always be WTA/PPSC or whatever. More options are always better.

By that logic, *why are you saying to get rid of PPSC* as a method of distributing points in games with results? More options are always better, right? As long as I can have some of my games as PPSC/DSS and others as WTA/DSS, I really don't care what other options there are. It's the attempt to deny options on the 'games with results' front while insisting on them in the 'games with no result (ie. drawn)' that is annoying me at the moment.
No, mouse, more options are not always better. They alter the way the game is played and therefore distort both points and ratings because of people playing for strong seconds even in the draw. The *only* way to have consistent ratings and points is to choose *one* style, whatever it may be, and stick with it.

But the same logic applies to not having variants because variants affect both points and ratings in how many players are in a game. Solo a WWIV game and you rock the points and ratings. Solo an Ancient Med (5 players) and you don't even get as much as you would out of a classic game.

Likewise, allowing games to end early and granting solos with more or less than the usual 50%+1 SCs distorts the scores and ratings.

So, unfortunately, points and ratings are destined to be distorted.

Given this fact, the decision must then be made about *how much* distortion we wish to have. If we wish to reduce it while keeping the variant nature of the site alive, then eliminating PPSC and having draws be an even split would eliminate that aspect of the distortion by following the spirit of the inventor/author.

But here is where I am going to propose something I consider logical yet possibly controversial...

How about we allow all these options but only rate games that use the rulebook standards of "full game, 50% +1 SCs solo, and WTA/DSS points" as rated games. Additionally, allow a scenario to always be unrated like Rinascimento. That way ratings would more accurately reflect classic with the only distortion being a result of the number of players in the various scenarios and any unintentional and unaccounted for scenario imbalances.

OK, that was more like my 2 bucks than 2 cents...
d-ice (1969 D)
22 Nov 17 UTC
@Mercy: "I strongly disagree. I would even argue that the scoring system is an *essential part* of any game, because the scoring system determines what the objective of the game is."

That's exactly why the scoring system makes no sense for single games. The objective of the game is clearly stated in the rulebook. But the objective as written cannot be translated into an algorithm without making assumptions on how to treat short games (see rule III from AH's 1976 rulebook on short games). Without scoring system the objective of each single game will be whatever the players agree that it is (i.e. purists will likely play as written in the rulebook while more relaxed players may prefer to play with their own objectives whatever they may be). With a scoring system the objective is likely to become: get as good score as possible (hence when playing short games the objective will not be true to the original objective of the game whatever the scoring system is). Thus, the only reason for having a scoring system is for running tournaments/ranking - it is not for single games.
Enriador (1507 D)
22 Nov 17 UTC

I merely kicked off the debate. I won't cry if PPSC is cast away, or is kept. I reiterate: more options = better.


"So, unfortunately, points and ratings are destined to be distorted."

Yeah, basically. Even vDip points, due to being based on ELO, are prone to drastically distort results. I agree with @d-ice here.

I kinda like your proposed system, @YouCan't. It would have to be limited to Classic though; after all any variant, from WWIV to Cold War, has so many variables that distortion would happen regardless.
@Enriador - I was allowing for a limited amount of acceptable distortion by letting other variants in to the ratings. But there are other factors to look at like public press or gunboat, phase length (live versus longer phases) and such that also affect game outcome, but I don't know how much I would call that distortion.
nopunin10did (1041 D)
22 Nov 17 UTC
Out of curiosity, have you tried any form of rank-based scoring, common in the face-to-face tournament circles?

While such systems do break the principle of sharing equally in a draw, they promote some rather entertaining social politics; for instance, should the lesser powers need to band together to stop a solo, a temptation remains to stab one another in the back (so long as the solo is still prevented).
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
23 Nov 17 UTC
The stab is always tempting, when no one else is about to solo...
Sometimes the stab leads to the stabber soloing. :-)
d-ice (1969 D)
23 Nov 17 UTC
@nopun: C-diplo (which has been discussed in this thread) is rank-based.
Probably not a popular view, but I really like the PPSC system, it requires a different way of thinking. I like the way it can be more beneficial to support a solo than to fight it. I like the way while attempting a solo you can still have an ally to work with, you have different reasons for wanting the same outcome and that reduces stab risk. Finally I like it because if you stab someone near the end (or even at the beginning/middle) then the person who helped you get into the strong position in which you could from isn't completely screwed out of any of the winnings and still gets a share for their work.
Enriador (1507 D)
23 Nov 17 UTC
C-Diplo is a mix, really. One third of the points is completely dependent on center count.


I think that's the thread's first post on behalf of PPSC to actually give some reasons besides "Hey what about my choice" (which is also a fair point, I must add).

Your reasons *does* go against Calhamer's stated wishes of "do your best to avoid a solo" and "there is no second place, only a winner and 6 losers". However, if such a dynamic is fun for those who enjoy it, why not allow this little breaking of the rules? Yet, I believe PPSC doesn't properly reward that second-placed "ally" you speak of as well as Sum-of-Squares would.

SoS is the perfect compromise: it greatly benefits the winner, somehow benefits strong seconds, punish 2-center holdouts while still giving them *something* to fight for, and more importantly, has already been coded for the webDiplomacy template. It's ready to go!

Sum-of-Squares is PPSC... on steroids!
mouse (1776 D)
24 Nov 17 UTC
As long as it's only applied to games with a result, the way PPSC currently is, with draws remaining equally split between all survivors, I could support SoS replacing PPSC.
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
24 Nov 17 UTC
What effect do you think that replacing "survived" with something less positive like "defeated with units" would be?

I can understand why a novice would see the term "survive" and think it is not all bad.
Enriador (1507 D)
24 Nov 17 UTC
@mouse, yes, I believe DSS can remain the default.


I think "Survived" is a terrible moniker, since the guy failed to stop a solo. In a solo, *everyone* has been "Defeated". Survival doesn't mean anything at all.
nopunin10did (1041 D)
24 Nov 17 UTC
Ah, I’d missed the C-Diplo mention. I was thinking more along the lines of Carnage (used at Boston Massacre and some other tournaments):

It could be modified slightly to yield a zero-sum system.
So describe sum of squares. If it is what it sounds like, a 17 center nation stopped by 6 3-center nations is going to really profit with nearly 85% of the pot.
Chumbles (1380 D)
24 Nov 17 UTC
I like PPSC; it gives you more choices on playstyle and I guess I'd give up playing if it were not available. It's why I decamped from webDip. I;d be happiest with SoS added to the existing two options as then it would be your choice whether to join a game with that scoring method. I do not see why you have to exclude one to get the other.

If you wanted to get a 'purer' system, then WTA has to be it. You win or you get an equal share in a draw. That's it,
d-ice (1969 D)
24 Nov 17 UTC
@YCHTT: that’s exactly it. It was designed to reduce eliminations, since eliminations is one of the major issues that cause newbies to not want to play again after their first game. Why does it work? It’s because a 17-3-3-3-3-3-2 scores a ton more points compared to 17-16-1-0-0-0-0.

I’m not a big fan of SoS, but I clearly see its selling arguments, it’s a system that deserves to be an option.
Altering the game to cater to new players is like chess with mulligans.
d-ice (1969 D)
24 Nov 17 UTC
Some like it, other don’t. I don’t. But I see no reason not to have it as an option.
Enriador (1507 D)
25 Nov 17 UTC

What is the problem a 17 center power stopped by 6 3-center powers getting 85% of the points? It's working as designed.

Sum-of-Squares aims two things: 1) to divide and 2) conquer. A player with 17 centers facing a heavily divided opposition, all of them very weak in comparision, is way more close to a solo than a 17-15-3 result.

As such, the result is just: the 17-center power not just conquered half of the board, but manipulated the political balance of the board well enough to heavily divide the opposition. It's more than worth the 85% in my humble opinion.

Rest assured that it's not a system to "cater to newbies" - it does have that lovely side effect which infuses new blood into the hobby - proof of that is the last, err, *World Diplomacy Con*, which used Sum-of-Squares.

Anyone fundamentally against having SoS as an *option*, together with WTA and PPSC?
mouse (1776 D)
25 Nov 17 UTC
I'd argue that anyone who's against the perverting effects PPSC has on gameplay should be similarly against using SoS to adjudicate draws (the fact people who are against PPSC to allocate points on games with a result would also be against SoS in that instance is taken as a given) - just as someone who could score by forcing someone else to win is unlikely to play for the draw they should be, so too is someone who's scoring next to nothing from a 'draw' that won't be scored as such significantly more likely to throw the game from spite rather than play to such an unrewarding draw.
@Enriador - the problem is an 18 center solo having to share the pot at all. I hate PPSC and I hate how it distorts the rankings even for WTA only players like myself.
d-ice (1969 D)
25 Nov 17 UTC
Most scoring systems I know (including C-diplo and SoS) does in fact award all points to the winner in case of solo.
mouse (1776 D)
25 Nov 17 UTC
At which point all they're doing is encouraging players in a draw to jockey for position rather than play optimally to prevent a solo, thus distorting the rankings exactly as much as PPSC does.
d-ice (1969 D)
25 Nov 17 UTC
@mouse: the ranking system is already distorted to a point where it’s meaningless at best (e.g. by including many-player variants such as WWIV and two-player such as Austria-France). Hence that argument is pretty lame. Also I think you might be missing one of the main premises that Enriador and myself put forth in this discussion: short games. These games need other goals than scoring equally between all players in a DIAS or they would be rather meaningless to play.
Enriador (1507 D)
25 Nov 17 UTC
In actual SoS, the soloer gets the entire pot. If no one gets the required number of SCs to win, *then* SoS applies. Plain and simple.

I don't know if this is feasible here, codewise, but in any case it's simply a buffed up version of PPSC without many of its shortcomings. It would be a fine addition!

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Major Problems (1364 D)
23 Nov 17 UTC
1 v 1 games on variant maps
I am not a coder (sic) so I was wondering how hard is/was it to code 1 v 1 games? Is it reasonable to think that variant maps (Modern, Ancient Med, etc) could be set up to create 1 v 1 games? The idea of having a larger group of countries to play against each other is intriguing. I just don't know if it possible, or doable.
2 replies
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
22 Nov 17 UTC
How old school are you?
I am not very tech savvy so forgive me. I think I started dip on some RSS pages using Netscape at work in maybe 1996(?) does that make sense? All email based through Judges. What were they called? USDJ or something. I remember FROG but they all spoke French. Haha. I used to stand outside my office in the snow smoking a cig with a hand drawn map with about 100 crossing out for each phase using coloured pens. Ah web based interactive maps?!?! Luxury!!!
5 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
20 Nov 17 UTC
The notices on my front page are all jumbled up in a random order. PMs from weeks ago are at the top, and some of my game messages from the past day or two are lower down. Is anyone else noticing this?
9 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
09 Oct 17 UTC
Napoleonic Variant, and the lack of neutral centers
I had the honor to play 'Napoleonic' back in the lab (an awful game as Spain by the way). I had a question back then which I ask here and now:

Why there are no neutral supply centers?
23 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
20 Mar 17 UTC
Fixing the Pirates variant
With the new Lab up and running, as discussed in the DiplomacyGames podcast I'm keen to iron out the bugs in Pirates that people hate...
51 replies
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