A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 May 17 UTC
New Thread Idea
Does anyone know Polish History? Did The Deluge cause such material damage that it doomed Poland to economic and political death spiral, did it devastate the proto-bourgeois, densely populated Northwest at a key moment within a republic when it was fighting with the rural, agrarian South and East thus stunting an incipient movement towards urbanization and development or did it not really have any long term effect?
7 replies
HQDeevejot (878 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Shrek Super Slam vs. Mr. Rogers' neighborhood
which one is the good one
8 replies
HQDominator (757 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Thread Discussion Thread
In this Thread, we will be discussing other threads such as the Word Association Thread and the New Thread Ideas Thread and most importantly The Muting Thread
1 reply
Technostar (1302 D)
12 May 17 UTC
Scramble for Africa Variant - Gauging Interest
I was wondering how interested people would be in a Scramble for Africa variant. I'm already making one for my friends and me to use, so I could easily put it on the lab for testing once it's done.
13 replies
Greetings Thread
Um....................... Hello? Is anyone there?
38 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
12 May 17 UTC
Calhamer prototype - feedback please
Hi folks - the Calhamer prototype of Dip has been rolling around in my head and I'm thinking of bringing it to the online community. But I have some questions that I'd appreciate your input into:
3 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
11 May 17 UTC
Where do you post your variant map ideas?
Working on the Calhamer Prototype variant and interested in getting opinions on map design to keep it authenticate. In some cases the maps aren't clear and I'm interested in advice. Where's the best spot folks have found for posting?
1 reply
webdipper123 (1137 D)
11 May 17 UTC
Advertise LIVE games here
starting in 1 hr.
classic - 5mins phase
1 reply
Hypoguy (1613 D)
03 May 17 UTC
Sengoku - Want to join?
Anyone interested in a game of Sengoku Jidai? Medieval Japan. Post here if you want to join, and what preferences you have for anon, phase length, etc.
3 replies
Carebear (1000 D)
07 May 17 UTC
Online Diplomacy Championship - Second Round Signup
The deadline to signup for the second round of the Online Diplomacy Championship @ PDET 2017 will be May 19 with games starting shortly there after. Players who did not participate in the first round may join the second round.
2 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
06 May 17 UTC
Problems with World War II large map?
Is anoyone else having problems with the large map in World War II games? I get: This page isn’t working. is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500.
0 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
03 May 17 UTC
I was thinking about making a second account...
Here's a few...
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
22 Apr 17 UTC
Reminder: ALWAYS check the settings of games you join!
Hi all,
8 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
25 Oct 16 UTC
The Exploration game, episode III
One year ago we’ve tested this special rule game based on the Fog of War format.
I have to say that it’s been a fun game with original dynamics.
Details below
95 replies
Bourse development and discussion thread.
This summer, I plan to develop Phase I of four phases in a Bourse gaming system to expand the gaming experience without over taxing the game director. This thread is to discuss the phases and how the various features should be implemented.
9 replies
Strider (1604 D)
24 Apr 17 UTC
Anzac Day remembrance
Waking for this Anzac Days dawn service reminds me why we should not forget WWI. With threats of agression again escalating has nothing been learnt!
5 replies
Mitomon (2187 D)
17 Apr 17 UTC
Diplomacy: Is Germany Too Weak?
I noticed that Germany is considerably weaker in Diplomacy than it's historical counterpart. In game, Germany can very easily be knocked out by England and France. However, historically Germany was able to fight competently on three separate fronts. Does anybody feel that Germany is a little misrepresented in game?
More importantly, are there any variants that address this?
42 replies
Mitomon (2187 D)
17 Apr 17 UTC
What is your favorite board game?
I heard you guys like to play Risk.
48 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
19 Apr 17 UTC
Feedback for 1v1 Cold War on WWIV map
Hi folks, some of you may have heard me talk on the podcast about bringing the WWIV map to a Cold War circa 1984 1v1 variant. Interested in your thoughts about whether I use the standard WWIV map, the v6.2 version (is there any actual difference in the map itself?) or whether the sealane version would be better. Thoughts?
17 replies
The Problem Thread
This thread is if you have a problem you post and then everyone will try to help you with your problem.
57 replies
Happy Rome Day
since today (April 21) is Rome's 2770th birthday, I thought it would be nice to fill this thread with stories of the glory of Rome:
5 replies
The Muting Thread
This is the thread that everyone mutes.
9 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 17 UTC
Please see within for details on the vDiplomacy Referendum.
66 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
28 Jan 16 UTC
Can't stop the Trump
Does anyone here has a clue as to why Donald Trump is boycotting the latest republican debate? Seems to have only downsides and risks without a real gain to me. Enlighten me please.
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ingebot (1922 D)
10 Nov 16 UTC
I was just as shocked as anyone that Trump won, but because I mostly follow 538 (as well as various trends that mainstream media glossed over) I was not at all surprised Trump carried the midwest. I was however shocked that he managed to keep North Carolina and Florida, and also was in the lead in Virginia for such a long time. I freely admit that I bought into the mainstream media narrative that "demographics is king" and there is no way Trump can win in relatively diverse states. This is the most fascinating election in world history.
Trump carried a message that appealed to the blue collar worker: Get rid of the illegals and free up jobs for their unemployed friends (orvthemselves). In doing so, he stole the traditionally Democrat labor vote.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
10 Nov 16 UTC
A narcissistic hatemonger, who has declared bankruptcy four times in the last eleven years, and felt up his daughter's ass on national television, is now the leader of the greatest empire in history.

Well played, my m
oronic American friends, well played...
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
10 Nov 16 UTC
Great, now I feel like a m
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
10 Nov 16 UTC
There are many things to criticize Trump for. The bankruptcy thing is not one of them, and in trotting it out you're either ignorant or intellectually dishonest. His businesses have a 98% success rate Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy. Four of his businesses have taken advantage of the reorganization bankruptcy chapters, acting completely within the law.

I would agree that Trump is a narcissist, but no more than Obama or Clinton, in fact much less so. His speeches talk about how "We" are going to make America great again, while Obama told us routinely how "I" did this for you. This simple choice of words is a key indicator of the differences between good and bad leadership traits. I'm not saying he's not arrogant, because he is, but that's been a non-factor to everyone for eight years, yet suddenly now we care about it. Sadly that just comes with the territory of most anyone crazy enough to run for president. When you get a humble leader like George Bush, he is mocked and ridiculed as "stupid" by the very people labeling others narcissistic.
Chumbles (1380 D)
10 Nov 16 UTC
The US election and its result, though it affects pretty much everyone around the world, it is a matter for their electorate. But the swing to the right, nationalist tendencies in all countries is horribly reminiscent of the period between the two world wars. My parents and their generation, as with the rest of Europe and Asia, endured great privations and hardships due to the pursuit of the very 'policies' that Trump espouses - like Brexit, the very people who voted for these outcomes may well be condemned to repeat the mistakes of history.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
11 Nov 16 UTC
Let me give everyone a little lesson in basic Social Science. I have been having to give this lesson to professional social scientists for several months. They were clearly humoring me until Wednesday and now have started responding with genuinely unbalanced emotion since then.

Through every news cycle since the late Spring, the RealClearPolitics average of state level polls in the "swing states", which was reported daily, showed Donald Trump's numbers swinging wildly. As a counterpoint, Hillary Clinton's numbers for all intents and purposes never moved. Virginia was the only "swing state" that she ever got above 46.3% for any length of time and even there her numbers never got to 49%. So either one could believe that people were getting on and off of the Trump train by the tens of millions without any measurable number of them getting on the Hillary bandwagon or one could believe that people were merely altering their responses to the pollsters given the latest news cycle as the media carpet bombed Trump on a scale unprecedented in modern political history.

What to me seemed the obvious interpretation was that we were seeing an accurate reading of Hillary's ceiling of support in the "swing states" and the Trump numbers were essentially just noise. I offered this model to interpret the relevant signals to people I knew way back in the Spring. Someone on Wednesday claimed that I told him in February, which to me seems a bit early. However, I told people to look at what Hillary's numbers did in the polls as the media turned on Trump with all of their bile. If her numbers did not move up when Trump's numbers went down, then everyone not for her was against her. All year. I made my predictions based on this model of interpreting survey data and mapped the numbers I saw into updating my expectations of the underlying reality. I am told by friends who apparently keeping track in preparation for an epic "I told you so" that my predictions were nearly uniformly correct. I also do not believe that I have watched even a single minute of political news television this calender years. My analysis was based entirely on occasionally checking the front page of RCP's website when people told me that major news events had occurred.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
11 Nov 16 UTC
...but feeling up his daughter's ass on national television is OK? She pulled away abruptly, naturally revolted. It was obvious. That's the POTUS lol....
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
11 Nov 16 UTC lol....
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
11 Nov 16 UTC
So you cannot tell the difference between touching someone's hip for a second and "feeling up" someone's butt?
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
12 Nov 16 UTC
That's a bad clip. It was obvious, my friend. Surely, you concede the man's a sexist pig, right? Women are property to him.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 Nov 16 UTC
So it was obvious, you posted a clip of it, it was non-existent in the clip you posted, and so there exists some clip that you did not post? Do I have this chain of logic correct?
Must be mapleleaf you are talking to, gopher. I've muted him as he is back to his offensive anti-America comments.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
12 Nov 16 UTC Here you go. Not that you haven't seen it. The creep grabs his own daughter's ass. lol. God bless America. lol...
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
12 Nov 16 UTC
Also, aren't you just a wee bit condescending for an individual defending a child molester?
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
12 Nov 16 UTC
Sound advice. One of the great things about VDip is the general absence of political debate, particularly the mindless trolling. The muting feature helps with the stray trolls.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Nov 16 UTC
I am baffled by your post. I guess I should say posts in the plural. I see no even tangential connection to reality. Who precisely are you claiming is a "child molester" and what is the basis of this assertion?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
13 Nov 16 UTC
Looks like more of a pat than a fondle. I suppose all those football players who do the same to their teamates are secret child molesters too? Is that clip the supposedly infamous genital grope?
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
12 Feb 17 UTC
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
12 Feb 17 UTC
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Any of you Trumpanzees learn the words to the Russian national anthem yet?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
14 Feb 17 UTC
I joined up to the new variant lab, which is hosted by the Russian fork of webDiplomacy. Does that count?
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Don't ask me, ask Page, Manafort, Flynn, Trump...

They're the Russian experts.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
14 Feb 17 UTC
I don't know who Page, Manafort or Flynn are. I could google them but couldn't be arsed. Why don't you tell me given that you are an expert on the subject.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
14 Feb 17 UTC
As someone within the academy, I must say that I do find it terribly entertaining that after so many decades determined leftwing defenses and periodic attempts at rehabilitating Henry Wallace (venomous anti-Catholic bigot that he was) the hardcore left has embraced with such enthusiasm the entire panoply of tactics they expended such energy denouncing.

To offer one particular quote from a more recent attempt at academic rehabilitation of Wallace, "With good reason, modern scholars have condemned 'red-baiting' as one of the more deplorable aspects of early Cold War political culture."

@mapleleaf....I believe that I am making the intended inferences from your innuendos. So if I have this straight, your assertion is that a career America solder (and a lifelong Democrat) in Michael Flynn, whom I believe have been deployed abroad to combat zones four times, is a traitor to his country. That hardly seems like a proposition that a reasonably intelligent person possessing normal capacity for personal shame would be willing to stand up and make in public.....I do hope that you can make the intended inferences.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
@kaner406 - Nope. Your willingness to remain happily ignorant speaks volumes, Trumpanzee.

@gopher27 - What a coincidence
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
@gopher27 - (oops, damn fat fingers) I've always believed supporting a President who vilified and degraded an entire religion, mocked the disabled, was accused of sexual assault by many women, regularly attempts to bully a free and independent press, made racist comments on the campaign trail, uses the WH as his personal ATM, and was/is endorsed by the KKK hardly seems like a proposition that a reasonably intelligent person possessing normal capacity for personal shame would be willing to stand up and make in public.

But life is full of suprises.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Your boy is going to be impeached.

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Anon (?? D)
09 Apr 17 UTC
gameID=30786 2 day phases 100pt bet WTA Anon gunboat
2 replies
Matticus13 (1300 D)
15 Apr 17 UTC
Seeking replacement for Shift Right variant game

Looking for a replacement for Italy (me). The current position is pretty stable. I'm looking to eliminate all of my press games due to time constraints.
4 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
08 Mar 17 UTC
Live video feed podcast?
Hi folks - Kaner and I are getting together this time next week for another boozy Dip chat.
27 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Apr 17 UTC
The Original Diplomacy Variant
As many of you know, the Calhamer estate is being liquidated and the very first self-published Diplomacy board sold for just over $5000 last week. Well, something else interesting from the same sale - a bunch of prototype maps, these likely being from several years before the game was published.
21 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
29 Mar 17 UTC
Calhamer Estate Sale
See below.
30 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
03 Apr 17 UTC
Sitter needed!!
For 7 days, ongoing bourse game. 1 SC power, 3 day phases, no bourse orders needed, only a hotbod to look after the unit on the board. PM me or reply on this thread. Thanks!
1 reply
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